👉🏻 For cross-chain interactions, those who often play games must be very familiar with it. We often need to use various cross-chain tools (such as cross-chain bridges) to transfer GAS from Ethereum to various L2, L3, and even transfer assets between various heterogeneous chains.

In today's Web3 ecosystem, cross-chain facilities that connect various blockchains have become indispensable.

💡 Are you curious about how cross-chain interaction is accomplished?

How to achieve cross-chain interaction?

✨ Mainstream cross-chain facilities mainly use the following technologies:

Hash locking, sidechains/relay chains, bridges and cross-chain protocols


1️⃣ Hash Chain Locking (HTLC)

Hashed Time Lock Contract (HTLC) is a mechanism that enables two parties to trade without trusting each other. HTLC is mainly used for atomic swaps of cryptocurrencies. The implementation steps are as follows:

Create a transaction:

One party generates a password and places its hash into a smart contract, which releases the funds only when the correct password is provided.

Time lock:

The contract also includes a time lock, and if the secret is not provided within a specified time, the funds are returned to the original sender.

Cross-chain operations:

When one party submits a contract on one chain, the other party creates a contract with the same hash on another chain, initiating the exchange process.

Unlock and Exchange:

One party discloses a secret to claim the funds on the other party’s chain, while the other party uses the same secret to unlock the funds on the original chain.


2️⃣ Sidechain

A sidechain is a blockchain that runs independently from the main chain, allowing assets to be transferred between the two.

Two-way anchoring:

The sidechain is connected to the mainchain through a two-way anchor. Assets can be locked on the mainchain and released in the form of tokens on the sidechain, and vice versa.

SPV Proof:

Sidechains can use simplified payment verification (SPV) to prove the status of a certain asset and ensure the validity and security of cross-chain asset transfers.

Merged Mining:

Some sidechain projects use joint mining technology, allowing miners to ensure the network security of both the main chain and the sidechain at the same time.


3️⃣ Relay Chain

Connecting Parachains:

The relay chain serves as the main coordination chain, and each parachain exchanges information and assets through the relay chain.

Shared Security:

All parachains share the security provided by the relay chain, and transactions require verification and consensus of the relay chain.

Cross-chain messaging:

The relay chain uses the Cross-Chain Messaging Passing (XCMP) protocol to allow parachains to communicate and transact directly with each other.

💡 Typical projects using relay chains: Polkadot $DOT


4️⃣ Bridge

Bridging technology is used to connect two independent blockchains, allowing assets and data to be interoperable.

Decentralized Bridge:

Use smart contracts to verify and record cross-chain transactions without the need for a centralized third party.

Centralized Bridge:

Relying on a trusted entity as an intermediary to transfer and lock assets is fast but less secure.

Light client verification:

Bridging typically involves implementing a light client of one chain on another chain to verify transactions and asset status.


5️⃣ Inter-chain protocol (IBC)

Interchain Communication Protocol (IBC):

Allows independent blockchains to send messages and assets by creating connections and channels.

Connections and Channels:

Connections are used to track the consensus state between chains, while channels are the endpoints that send packets on the connection.

Packet transmission:

Through channels, chains can send ordered and confirmed data packets, enabling interoperability of assets and information.

💡Classic projects using cross-chain protocols: Cosmos $ATOM


👉🏻 There are also some new cross-chain projects, such as Wormhole

And Axelar $AXL who was listed on Binance#Binancesome time ago


A combination of these technologies is used to achieve more complex functions and strong security.

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