Let's talk about the market:

First, I'll complain about the copycats, they are so damn rubbish, the rebound is weak, and the callback is fierce

There is no way for the spot, just keep lying flat

I used to close the position to protect my capital, and then buy it back at a low point

I don't want to toss it now, you can refer to

67K is under pressure and the callback is large in volume. Although it is low and long, there was no point to connect yesterday, because it is difficult to find a short-term long position for the callback here, and I can only wait for the band to stop falling before I can safely remind to go long

My planned position is around 62K, wait patiently here

I really hope that the decline will stop around 62 and then continue to rebound, otherwise I really don't want to see it continue to break 60K next

There is a rhythm of continuing weakness, the copycat will not survive, but I have waited until Re-judge

Today, pay attention to the callback after the afternoon rebound high (suppression near 65K), plan to make a small rebound near 63K-62800 in the evening, and pay attention to 62K to stop the decline

There are many variables later:

1. The decline of US stocks

2. BTC compensation of Mentougou creditors

And so on

Maintain the plan, believe in the bull market, buy on dips, and with less funds, simply sell high and buy low

It is not suitable to chase the rise at present. Yesterday I reminded that chasing high is a technical skill. It is not recommended to chase high. Spot is to buy when it falls. Buy small when it falls, buy big when it falls, and sell it by yourself

Okay, thank you brothers for reading. The market is not good and the interaction is less understandable, but you can't cut off contact and neglect the relationship!