Cz Zhao Changpeng is very likely to face a 3-year prison sentence.

After the halving of Bitcoin in 2020, Xu Mingxing was subject to criminal coercive measures and encountered legal gloom, which then ushered in the super bull market from 2020 to 2021.

After the halving in 2024, CZ is also currently facing legal gloom and is likely to face 3 years in prison.

From a metaphysical point of view, does this prove the sign of the coming of the bull market?

In front, there was Xu Mingxing's legal gloom ~ bull market.

In the back, there was Zhao Changpeng's legal gloom ~ bull market?

(Of course, Heng does not believe in these metaphysics. Heng's main basis for predicting the arrival of the bull market is data and cycles.)
