
This week, the earnings week of U.S. technology stocks is going on as scheduled, and the market’s expected pricing of technology stocks is ushering in new adjustments. Judging from the current situation, the financial performance of technology stocks is quite eye-catching, which has temporarily alleviated investors' concerns.

In particular, the announcement of Tesla's financial report and Musk's remarks about launching a lower-priced Tesla injected new vitality into Tesla's stock price. It rose significantly before the market opened, reaching 12.43%, leading technology giants to rise one after another.

The strong performance of technology stocks not only offset the decline in U.S. stocks last week, but also successfully stabilized market sentiment. However, the rest of the week is still full of uncertainty, especially the Fed's decisions on Thursday and Friday, which the market hopes will not create unexpected fluctuations.

Affected by the optimism in U.S. stocks, Asian stock markets also showed impressive gains, and the A-share market also ended in the red.

After briefly falling below 106, the U.S. dollar index is currently stable around 105.8. At the same time, the U.S. dollar appreciated slightly against the Japanese yen and the yuan, while the 10-year U.S. bond yield continued to climb to 4.644%, showing that the market's expectations for high interest rates are still strong.

In the international commodity market, gold, crude oil, sugar and other varieties have shown a downward trend. Among them, gold fell by 0.27% in a single day, crude oil fell by 0.45%, and sugar fell by 0.25%. Market demand for these commodities was temporarily weak.

In the digital currency market, the CEM Bitcoin futures index has recently stabilized at around 66.390, and has experienced a negative premium to the spot for the first time, with the negative premium reaching 180 points. This shows that the power of bulls in the futures market is weakening, while the power of shorts is gradually increasing.

After several days of consolidation, Bitcoin still failed to effectively break through the key resistance level, and the bullish sentiment in the market weakened significantly. This week, with the release of Meta’s financial report, the trend of technology stocks will once again become the focus of the market. We will also pay close attention to whether Bitcoin can achieve a breakthrough by leveraging the east wind of technology stocks.