In a trance, another three years have passed. These three years are quite emotional. Three years ago, in the spring of my senior year, I was addicted to football betting. At that time, my monthly living expenses were 1,500 yuan, and I joined the football betting circle thinking that I wanted to earn some money for food. When I first entered, I didn't know anything, not even half a goal, handicap, over/under, anything. I bought whatever others said to buy, and lost a month's living expenses in one week. At that time, I was very emotional, very uncomfortable, and very painful. I scolded myself for being addicted to gambling. But I still didn't leave. I asked the management of the group (the order pusher to become a disciple), and there were also two big brothers in the group who taught me how to read the market. One bought the initial over/under, and the other bought the corner kick. I recharged 500 yuan, studied for a week, and slowly learned fund control. Slowly, I learned to allocate the principal in a ratio of 1:3:7:15. One share was only 15 yuan. I also gradually learned to read the market, knew to choose the game in advance, knew what was the near-game increase and decrease, and spent 3 hours every day to read the game analysis and the odds. It took four times (one month) to get my money back. As if I had realized the truth in Longchang, I found that it seemed to be really profitable. I really made more than 8,000 in the next five months, which is not a small amount for a college student who earns 1,500 a month. (During this period, I also won a 100-fold 10-in-9 lottery, although I only bought 10 yuan). Gradually, I began to recommend my favorites (jargon: orders that I am particularly optimistic about and have a large position in), and the people in the group began to call me Brother Lingling (I was born in the 2000s). I also registered as a recommender on a platform (28 yuan per order, if the recommendation is not profitable, I will return 28 yuan). I also have a German team jersey from the 21st European Cup (1,000+ at the time) given to me by the group owner at the time. (That game between Germany and Portugal allowed him to win 50). Gambling is risky and its essence is a zero-sum game, just like marching and fighting, you must know yourself and the enemy to win! Know yourself: You need to understand your capital (the number of soldiers) and know how much you want to win in each step. In depth, it is still a mathematical problem of risk and probability. For example, even if you only have one thousand yuan, assuming you want to earn one cent in each round, then your capital is also equivalent to a large amount, because your share is one cent. At this time, if you bet according to 1:3:7:15:31, your probability of winning one cent in each round can be close to 100%.On the contrary, if you want to win 1000 with a principal of 1000, your success rate is less than 50% due to the platform (dealer) (for example, the dealer takes a cut, and the dealer has already calculated everything in the market). At this time, after multiple rounds, the probability is bound to be a loss. Of course, you can increase the probability of winning by obtaining information (knowing the enemy), but this is more difficult. Compared with gambling, the success rate of leveraged contracts for currency speculation is lower. After you buy spot and hold it for a long time, the exchange is just a store at this time; but when you choose contract leverage, the exchange becomes your opponent. At this time, if you don’t plan the principal well, and don’t know how much you earn for a transaction (that is, you don’t know yourself), you don’t know the amount of money you bought and your opponent’s funds (not knowing the enemy). Your opponent knows your funds clearly, and when you blow up your position, the victory or defeat is basically decided. So, long-term holding of spot is the version answer for most people.