1. Let go of your emotions and respect the market; what tortures you is not the market, but the regret that you did not buy at the lowest point and sell at the highest point. Let go of your obsession, insist on it if you are right, admit it if you are wrong, respect objective laws, and follow market trends.

2. Do not trade frequently, and do not hold multiple currencies. The more you trade, the higher the probability of error, and the quality of trading will also decrease. Holding multiple currencies is easy to distract your attention, and daily trading will bring you emotional fluctuations, affect your mentality, and also disperse your attention to calmly observe the market.

3. The market is not wrong, it is your own ideas that are wrong. Don't blame the market. The essence of capital is to pursue profits. Learn to find reasons from yourself. The smarter people are, the more likely they are to be self-righteous. In front of the market, don't be arrogant or impatient, and decide on the action plan according to the information given by the market. This is the way to survive in the currency circle.

4. Don't make assumptions, and clearly stop loss and stop profit; the first and most important step to learn is to stop loss. Everyone makes mistakes. Making mistakes is not terrible. What is terrible is to make mistakes again and again and finally enter a desperate situation. Set up take-profit and stop-loss strategies. When you are disciplined, the rules will eliminate complexity. Learn to eliminate subjectivity and just follow the rules to respond to ever-changing situations.