For those who have just entered the cryptocurrency circle, don’t be too anxious to make money! It is recommended to quickly learn and avoid pitfalls. Otherwise, if you don’t even know how to transfer money between exchanges, how to cross-chain assets, and the concept of blockchain, how can you make money? Or even if you make money by chance, it will be nothing in the end.

Today I will share 5 simplest and most brutal trading methods! Make more money and lose less!

1. Honest Coin Hoarding Method

This method is as simple as it can be. Just buy the coins and leave them there for half a year or even one or two years. The returns are basically ten times higher. But the problem is that when newbies see the price jump, they panic and always want to change this or that. To be honest, if you can hold on for a month without making any changes, you are considered amazing, let alone a year. So, although this method looks simple, it is actually quite challenging.

2. How to chase the decline in the bull market

Well, this is only suitable for playing in a bull market. Just take some spare money, not too much, one-fifth is enough. This method is suitable for coins with a market value between 20-100, so that even if you are trapped, it will not last too long. You buy a coin, and when it rises by 50% or more, you switch to the next coin that has fallen badly. Play in this way in a cycle. Of course, if the first coin is trapped, don't worry, the bull market will always release it. But you have to be careful when choosing coins, don't be too cheating. Newbies have to take it easy.

3. Hourglass car changing method

In a bull market, basically any coin you buy will increase in value. Money flows slowly into each coin like an hourglass. Generally, the big coins increase first, such as BTC and ETH. Then the mainstream coins start to move. Then come the coins that haven't increased yet, such as RDN and XRP. Then, all kinds of small coins start to increase in value. If you see that Bitcoin has increased in value, look for those small coins that haven't increased in value yet and buy them quickly.

4. Pyramid-style bottom-picking method

This method is used to catch the bottom. How to do it? Just buy in steps. The lower the price, the more you buy. For example, if the price drops to 80%, you buy one-tenth of the position; if it drops to 70%, buy two-tenths; and so on, until you buy a position at half the price.

5. Look at the moving average method

This requires a little knowledge of K-line. You just set a few indicator parameters, such as MA5, MA10, etc. Then see if the current price is above these lines. If it is, hold it and don't move; if MA5 falls below MA10, sell it quickly; conversely, if MA5 rises above MA10, buy it quickly. It's that simple and clear.

You also need to know the "buy coins" formula:

1. Buy horizontal and pits instead of vertical, the selling point is at the peak;

Buy when prices are flat or falling, and avoid chasing highs. At the same time, sell when market sentiment is high.

2. Continuous small increases are real increases, and continuous large increases require exiting the market;

A small increase may be a real market rebound, while a continuous large increase may be a bubble. Therefore, you can hold on when there is a small increase, but you may want to consider exiting when there is a large increase.

3. If the price rises sharply, it will fall back. Don’t buy too much unless you dig a deep hole.

When the price rises sharply, there will often be a pullback. You can buy when it pulls back instead of chasing highs.

4. The main rise will accelerate to the top, so sell quickly when the price drops sharply and sell slowly when the price rises slowly;

The accelerated rise in prices during the main rise may mean that the trend is about to end, and you should pay attention to the top signal. When it falls sharply, you should sell it in time, and when it rises slowly, you can sell it gradually.

5. A sharp drop without volume is a threat, a slow drop with large volume is a quick exit;

When the price drops rapidly but the trading volume is small, it may be caused by market panic, and you can choose to hold. When the price drops slowly but the trading volume increases, it may be that the short force is increasing, and you should withdraw in time.

6. When the price breaks through the lifeline, do not hesitate to trade in waves;

When the price breaks through an important support or resistance level, large fluctuations may occur, and short-term swing trading can be considered.

7. Look carefully at the daily, weekly and monthly lines, and follow the main force to make money;

Carefully observe the price trends in different time periods and trade following the flow of major funds.

8. The price of the currency is rising but there is no volume. The main force is tempting to buy more, so don’t stand still;

When the price rises but the trading volume does not increase, it may be that the main force is trying to lure more investors to buy, and you should be careful not to get trapped.

9. The new low of shrinking volume is the bottom, and the incremental recovery is to enter the market;

When the price falls but the trading volume decreases, it may be a bottom formation, and you can consider buying. When the price rises and the trading volume increases, it may be the beginning of an upward trend, and you should enter the market in time.

How many bull markets are needed to achieve financial freedom?

30,000 U is equivalent to 200,000 RMB. Once the bull market comes, it is not a problem to multiply it by 5 to 10 times. After two bull markets, if you do the math, that is tens or even hundreds of times the profit. 10 million is just in hand, it is very simple.

I understand the principle, but it is difficult to do it. When I made money in the bull market, I always wanted to make more, but I lost it all if I wasn’t careful. When the bear market came, I wanted to get my money back quickly, but I ended up tossing and turning and getting nothing.

For example, right now, if I tell you to be patient and take it slow, can you bear it? To be honest, there are many people who make a lot of money in the bull market, but there are very few who can really keep their wealth and wait for the next bull market.

So, you need to be bold in a bull market and calm in a bear market. You need to be able to hold on to the profits of a bull market and endure the coldness of a bear market. Why is it so difficult? To put it bluntly, the real skills are beyond those candlestick charts. It may take several years or even a lifetime to understand this.

There are five tricks for short-term trading:

1. Cut the Gordian knot quickly, don't drag it out. Short-term trading means quick entry and exit, don't think about long-term holding.

2. Pay more attention to hot news. Go wherever is popular, and the hot news is your buying and selling signal.

3. Strictly set a stop loss point. It is important to control risks and don't let yourself lose too much.

4. Pick popular and trending currencies. Follow the market trend and avoid unpopular or declining currencies.

5. Pay attention to trading volume. This is very important, as it can reflect the market activity and liquidity and help you judge the trend of the currency price.

Finally, there are still many things that are not written down, such as specific opportunities and specific decisions. These things are often not something that can be summarized in one article.

Create an open and high-quality circle, mainly to explain various basic industry knowledge of the currency circle, the recommendation of market potential coins and altcoins! The rotation of hot sectors, the basic methods of identifying tops and bottoms, how to better grasp this bull market, and a series of other knowledge. If you are interested, you can find me on the homepage.