☻ Something must be wrong when things are abnormal

Some strange phenomena have quietly appeared in China:

Article 1: It is difficult to make money, there are many unemployed people, but tourism is popular. Do people have money or not?

Article 2: Housing prices are high and it is difficult to buy a house, but the demand for housing seems to be still strong. Do people want to buy a house or are they helpless?

Article 3: Competition in education is fierce and training costs are high, but parents still invest as much as they can. Do children really need it or are they forced to do it?

Article 4: Prices are rising and the cost of living is increasing, but the consumer market is still active. Are people enjoying it or just holding on?

Article 5: Technology is developing rapidly, and new things are emerging in an endless stream, but people seem to be a little overwhelmed. Are they keeping up with the times or being dragged by the times?

Article 6: Social pressure is high, and mental health problems are prominent, but people are still optimistic and positive on the surface. Are they really strong or are they just forcing themselves to smile?

Article 7: Traditional culture is gradually gaining attention, but inheritance and development face many challenges. Is it true love or just a formality?

Article 8: Environmental awareness has increased, but environmental pollution still exists. Is there any sign of improvement or is it just a superficial effort?

Article 9: Medical standards have improved and medical convenience has increased, but people's concerns about health do not seem to have decreased. Do they really value health or are they just panicking?

Article 10: Social methods have diversified, but the sense of distance between people seems to be increasing. Is it enhancing communication or alienating each other?