Recharge your faith in the altcoin market!

1. You cannot blindly enter the altcoin market. You must study it carefully and focus on altcoins with large trading volume and good project background! This round is mainly the AI ​​track and MEME sector. You can focus on those with high trading volume. The MEME sector should focus on new coins. Other sectors cannot only focus on new coins. Many new coins are cut leeks. Pay more attention to popular sectors. You can basically reach 5 times the bull market by bottom-fishing in these sectors!

2. The altcoin market has not started yet. According to the experience of the bull market in previous years, altcoins mostly follow ETH. This round of ETH has not started and has been oscillating. Only when ETH starts, altcoins will gradually follow!

The big bull market is coming. I hope that the brothers will still be on the car at that time. The risk of missing the bull market is always greater than the risk of being trapped in the car!
