Cryptocurrency speculation is the art of regret. Pursuing a perfect victory in cryptocurrency speculation is a disease. There is no cure for cryptocurrency speculation! It is an addiction that cannot be quit even if you have speculated.

Since Satoshi Nakamoto brought a new digital currency, Bitcoin, to the world in 2009, this privacy-friendly and freely traded currency has opened up an alternative investment channel for global investors.

The ups and downs of the price curve every day are far more crazy than the stock market and futures market. In this 24-hour endless battlefield, there are no limits on price increases and decreases, no suspensions, and no circuit breakers. The global unified market, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, non-stop speculation, 1 to 100 times contract leverage. Countless gamblers, countless investors, countless professional players, and countless small investors rush into the market regardless of whether they understand the rules or not. As long as they have time, they will keep a close eye on the market speculation anytime and anywhere.

Everything has to be done in moderation. If you overdo it, it will become an addiction. There is a group of people who always keep a close eye on the price trend of the currency. They feel uneasy when they don't look at the market for a moment. After losing money, they desperately borrow money to cover their positions. Just like taking drugs, gambling, and surfing the Internet, currency speculation can also be addictive and is a disease. According to expert statistics, there are more than 15 million digital currency buyers in the world, of which 450,000 to 750,000 have addiction symptoms, commonly known as currency addicts. Addiction to trading digital currencies is definitely a disease and must be treated.

Nowadays, more and more young Koreans are investing in cryptocurrencies, and depression caused by cryptocurrencies has become a major problem in Korean society. Cryptocurrency speculation is a high-risk, high-investment activity, and many young Koreans have become obsessed with it, suffering from various mental illnesses such as insomnia and mental irritability. The Korean government reminds that you must pay attention to the risks of cryptocurrency speculation and never rashly invest all your assets.

Cryptocurrency trading is actually like online gambling. The high risk, high volatility and occasional high profits attract a large number of retail investors. High-risk transactions usually give people a sense of excitement and impulse, especially for those who are naturally impulsive and addictive.

Speculating in cryptocurrencies is like taking drugs. You enjoy it every day when the market is bullish, but you stay up all night when the market plummets. You think about how to make money every day. For investors who do contracts, they are often fine before going to bed, but their positions are liquidated when they wake up. When others ask what happened, they dare not say anything and can only delete their friends silently. Most investors cannot bear this kind of pressure.

Most of the investors in the cryptocurrency circle should return to society to work and earn money as soon as possible, and spend more time with their parents and family. The leeks without self-control will regret speculating in cryptocurrency, regret it very much, and even hate themselves. There are three stages in cryptocurrency speculation: bold words at the beginning, nonsense in the middle, and silence in the late stage.

When speculating in cryptocurrencies, you are speculating based on your own knowledge. The same capital and the same market conditions may lead to different outcomes. Investing without your own opinions and self-knowledge is no different from gambling.

Eighty percent of people in the cryptocurrency world cannot make money. Most people understand this truth, but there are still many people who choose to speculate in cryptocurrencies without hesitation.

The threshold for the cryptocurrency circle is very low. As long as you are an individual with risk awareness, you can join the cryptocurrency circle. If you have money, you can invest more; if you don’t have money, you can invest less. You can buy 100 yuan or 100,000 yuan. You don’t need to take a test or rent a storefront.

When the currency goes up, people are excited and feel that they can become rich overnight and achieve financial freedom. When the currency goes down, people cannot eat or sleep and are upset. Some people even choose to commit suicide due to losses. But most people still enjoy it. Some people sell cars and houses, borrow money, and take out loans to speculate in the currency.

I was so excited to make some money, I felt like I had the key to wealth, and I tried my best to make a fortune. After I lost money, I felt that it was a scam and I vowed never to trade in cryptocurrencies again. After the price of cryptocurrencies went up, I suddenly felt that I was good enough and could trade again.

In daily life, they are frugal and reluctant to eat or wear, but in the cryptocurrency world they are extravagant and can spend several months' salary in a single day.

Cryptocurrency speculation is like a moth flying into a flame. Fire is obviously dangerous, but what the moth sees is not fire, but light and hope.

Friends, remember, hold and hold! Be patient, patient, and don't mess around. As an old investor who has been in the cryptocurrency circle for many years, I sincerely remind you. Bitcoin has increased by millions of times in the past few decades, and you can see it. How many investors can hold on to Bitcoin and never sell it?

Long-term holding is the most effective and certain way to make big money. The starting point of holding is preferably the early stage of the bull market, the early stage of the four-year time point. As long as it is an undervalued big bull coin, there will be a big rise one day, it is just a matter of time. Most altcoins have underperformed Bitcoin, and some blind operations can't even outperform the mainstream! Most people's biggest regret for the currency they hold in the bull market is basically that they didn't hold it, not that they didn't buy it! When most people think it's not a bull market yet, the bull market has already come!

It is not easy to make money in the cryptocurrency world. Anyone who has experienced a complete bull market knows that it is common for the cryptocurrency world to experience several halvings in a bull market. On April 13, 2024, the price of the callback was obviously very cost-effective, and it was always right to buy in batches at that time.

In the cryptocurrency world, a9 and a8 are too exaggerated. The cryptocurrency world has always liked to brag, and everyone knows it. The cryptocurrency bull market is a cash machine for experts and a meat grinder for gamblers. One profit, two draws, and seven losses are the iron laws of all investment markets. Although it is difficult to make a fortune by speculating in cryptocurrencies, it is also easy. Even ordinary people can achieve financial freedom as long as they can achieve unity of knowledge and action.

In general, there are indeed many more investors who make money from cryptocurrency trading than from the stock market. It is not because of any secrets of coin selection, catching some big bull coin, or riding some dark horse. There are not so many bulls and horses, and the leeks just happen to catch them. There is actually only one secret to making money, which is patience.

I often say a classic saying that in the bull market of the cryptocurrency circle, investors who hold a large position and have faith are the big winners! If you are optimistic about a currency, you have studied it thoroughly and think that its prospects are bright, you must hold it tightly, sell a little when it rises sharply, and add a little when it falls sharply, that's all. It is easy to make money by speculating in cryptocurrencies, and don't think too complicated.