Boss Sun built a position in Ethereum. Is the ETF going to pass?


Bitcoin has rebounded for five consecutive days and is currently above 60,000. If it can stabilize at 65,000-60,000 in the near future, there is a possibility of a reversal in the short and medium term. The recent rebound of altcoins is also good. After this wave of large corrections, the unsteady chips have been washed down. If the second wave of rise starts here, it will definitely be a big explosion. Short-term risks are gradually relieved, but don't be too aggressive. Still be prepared with a red heart and two hands, and always be prepared for danger. Jiaoliu qun+V: 2758624303 Brother Wang still continues to see a bull market overall. In terms of operation, he still holds the spot firmly, buys small when it drops slightly, and buys large when it drops sharply.


It is suspected that Brother Sun's account bought 300,000 Ethereums at an average price of 3,000. Some time ago, a large account also bought 300 million coins. Is it a coincidence that the large account bought Ethereum at this time? It must be some certain news. Continue to be optimistic about Ethereum and continue to layout on dips. #比特币减半 #大盘走势