Making money from money is just like a profession.
It cannot be explained or understood by writing.
No matter what I write, it's empty.
No profession can be learned without making mistakes.
Make mistakes with low budgets so you can learn.
If you print all the money like a naive person, you will say goodbye to money.
Even if what you bought makes x30, you will sell it at a loss.
It has been proven through experience that none of my writings are empty.
Empty minds that think they are empty cannot understand because they were told that they will become rich in 3-5 months, what can the child do to believe it?
In these matters, everyone stays silent and talks for years.
Look, gold goes 500-600-700-800-900-1000-1100-600-1500-1600-1700-1800-1900-2000-2100-2200-2300-2400-2500.
There are spills at every stop.
Where is 500? Where is 2500?
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that houses and cars have not increased much in this period..