Title: "Technical Analysis of ICP/USD in 1D: AMD Impact and Price Outlook"🌕💦💢🌖😁💥

Subtitle: "Exploring Market Movements and Short-Term Objectives"💫🌕💦💢🌖

Introduction: In this technical analysis, we examine the price action of ICP/USD in daily timeframe, highlighting the impact of an AMD on the market. This breakout propelled the candle, leading to an advance to the Fibonacci zone between 0.38 and 0.618, and even 0.886. After a correction to fill the price, we anticipate a bullish recovery targeting the next expansion bar 1.272.😁💥💫🌕🌕💦

Summary: AMD on ICP/USD led to a significant breakout, followed by a correction to fill the price. Traders are now watching for a bullish resumption, with an initial target set at the 1.272 expansion mark.#ICP#USD#TechnicalAnalysis#AMD#Fibonacci#BarreExpansion1272🌕💦💢🌖💦💫