How much influence does having money or not having money have on a person?

If a man's family is very poor, his parents are not supportive, he has no property, and no RMB, then when he works for ten days and is ready to take two days off to play games and relax, his parents will say that he is a spendthrift and not doing his job properly, and the woman will say that he is too naive, only knows how to play games, and is not grown up at all, and is not worthy of reliance. Turn around and leave...

If a man is a rich second-generation, his family has five houses that are all rented out, and the monthly rent is 50,000 yuan. He only works twice a month, and the woman will feel that he is very family-oriented, very down-to-earth, and very mature. This is much better than going to work! Worth entrusting for life.

If a man can make money, opens a company to support dozens of employees, even if he never wears formal clothes, wears flowery shorts every day, and plays cards, the woman will feel that this man is very simple, has no airs, and is as clear and simple as a child. It is so rare, so cherish him!

On the contrary,

If a man doesn't earn much, but works hard at home, doesn't work hard on his career or make money, takes time off to cook for his girlfriend, cleans the table, mops the floor, takes out the trash, and does everything, then your family will be angry at you and think you are a loser, and even the dog at home won't wag its tail at you.

Even if you cook delicious meals, mop the floor, serve tea and water to your parents, and wash your wife's feet, they will still think you are a loser and childish.

However, once a man has money, his wife, his parents, his children, and his dog at home will all have sincere and bright smiles on their faces when they see him.

At this time, the potted plants in his home are also growing well.