#比特币减半 #大盘走势

The halving is over, Bitcoin is fluctuating sideways, and bull shit is brewing.

There is no pull-up, no big drop, I said it long ago. As expected.

The sideways decline has begun, let's see how you play?

Except for leverage and individual copycat speculation, there is not much to play.

This is the brewing of the beginning of the bull market.

If you fall, it will take off unknowingly. It's that simple.

During this period, opportunities are in individual copycats and leverage.

For most copycats, there will not be much movement, but there will definitely be opportunities.

It's not just one or two days.

Observation: saga, bome, sol, ena, wif ....... #Saga

Specifically, follow me into the cow village 🌹    #WIF

Again, if you come to me, I will take you ashore, you just lie down,

The friends who deduct 8 in the comment area will take you into the cow village! (Free) #ENA

Lao Bai will not let my fans miss out in this bull market! This is the truth👈