Seeing others making money is easy, so there is no need to be anxious. The so-called accurate heavy positions, being trapped is common, which requires very firm confidence, and even holding for months and years; the so-called on-chain sudden wealth, returning to zero is common, which requires very hard work and intelligence, good reflection, and good position allocation and risk control.

When I was in school, there were always people who stayed up late to study at home and pretended to play at school, saying that they were geniuses because of their good grades.

Don't let these people make you anxious. You have to walk one step at a time and eat one bite at a time. Everyone has his own life and his own pace. Stay calm and don't panic. Even in a casino, the winner is not the one who kills with rage.

Some suggestions for newbies who want to enter the cryptocurrency circle!!!

First advice

The cryptocurrency market has gone through its period of wild explosion. What follows is the stage of formal financialization and the competition among capital institutions.

Stop dreaming about increasing the value of a coin by dozens or even a hundred times. According to the current market sentiment, coins that can increase by a hundred times are rare.

Even if the bull market really comes, there won’t be many coins that can increase more than 50 times.

Second advice

It is true that investing in new shares in the primary market is a small investment with a big return, but those who recommend you to invest in the primary market will not tell you that 99% of the projects will go to zero. Even if you are listed on some small exchanges, some KOLs will most likely ask you to hold on when they are throwing chips, and they will take a step ahead.

The third piece of advice

Although you can make a lot of money by playing contracts with full position and maxing out the multiples, you can also lose a lot of money.

I don’t think anyone will tell you that the essence of cryptocurrency trading lies in rolling positions, rather than how much profit you make from a single order.

The fourth piece of advice

Generally speaking, when someone is frantically CXing a certain coin, it is basically coming to an end.

At this time, if you have held this coin before, you can consider getting off.

The fifth piece of advice

Good fortune does not come to a house without virtue, and wealth does not come to a door of emergency.

Under what circumstances is water suitable for the nourishment of all things? Is it suitable for the nourishment of all things when water is still?

So, when you make a profit from trading, please don't be too arrogant, and when you make a loss from trading, don't blame yourself too much. You must understand the principle of "profit and loss come from the same source". Whether you make a profit or a loss, you should summarize yourself from time to time and ask yourself why this order is profitable and why this order is a loss? Remember, young people, emotional people cannot do a good job in trading.

Sixth advice

Others will not easily tell you about making money. If someone tells you how much you can earn by investing in this coin, then you have to be careful, because it is possible that he just wants to make a quick buck from you.

Seventh Advice

If you want to trade well, you should have your own opinions, rather than just following the crowd and following other people's opinions. It's like a blogger sharing his profit-making experience. He can make a profit from this set of theories, but when you hold this set of theories and suffer losses, it is mostly due to your own factors. It's like reading "Wang Yangming's Mind Learning". After reading the Mind Learning, can you achieve the same "unity of knowledge and action" as Mr. Wang Yangming?

Therefore, figuring out your own set of money-making theory is the golden key to your stable income. Other people's experience can be regarded as fertilizer and as a reference standard for whether it is feasible when building your own theory.

The eighth piece of advice

Make more friends with veterans in the cryptocurrency circle, even if he is a person who has been trading for many years and still loses money. By spending more time with him, you can find out the reasons for your own losses. You can avoid some of the reasons for his losses in time and trade in the opposite way of him. As a result, you will find that, hey~ it turns out that making money is that simple.

The current market is also extremely unstable. It is turbulent and moves back and forth. It is possible that it just rises by 2 points and then immediately drops by 7, 8 points, or even more. After it falls, it may stay for a few days, nearly 10 days, or even more.

The current situation requires caution and careful observation, but it also requires being like Zhang Fei threading the eye of a needle, with coarseness and fineness, and being coarse within fineness is the kingly way.

Ninth Advice

Don't chase the ups and downs. Don't chase the ups and downs. Don't chase the ups and downs.

Chasing the rise and selling the fall is a taboo in any market. If you see it rising, you want to chase it, and if you see it falling, you want to sell it. In the cryptocurrency circle, the increase in any currency is very large, so remember, don't chase the rise and sell it. If a coin soars, just wait and see. 80% of the people who enter are to take over (20% can get profits, it depends on your own judgment); if a coin falls badly, you happen to have a position, set a stop loss, and forget about it if it falls below, but don't sell it if it falls by two points. Be optimistic about this coin and set a stop loss that you can bear. Unless you stop loss, don't sell yourself. At the same time, don't look at the market outlook after any stop profit or stop loss, which will affect your mentality.

The tenth piece of advice

Don't invest heavily in all-in gambling. Don't invest heavily in all-in gambling. Don't spend money that will affect your livelihood to enter this circle.

There are two outcomes of going all in with a large bet. The first outcome is bankruptcy and debt; the second outcome is the peak of life (think about whether you have this fate, all those around me who went all in lost money without exception). At the same time, you can also invest your spare money. Don't go all in when you can't even afford to eat. What's the difference between this and getting a PhD?

The eleventh piece of advice

There are so many scammers in the cryptocurrency world, here are a few common ones:

1. Anyone who sends you private messages on Telegram will be blocked, they are 100% scammers.

2. Ninety-five percent of private equity funds in the primary market with no background are runaways or have their shares fall below their issue price.

3. Pixiu plate. Pixiu plate means you can buy but not sell. Every time you play a level, remember to check whether the contract address is safe.

4. Those who guide you to play contracts just want to take advantage of your losses and ask you to go to their small exchange platform to follow orders and play contracts. You can just scold them.

5. Never authorize phishing links or unknown links, as your wallet may be easily hacked.

The twelfth piece of advice

Track selection is very important, don't click on the skill tree

There are many ways to play in the cryptocurrency circle: spot, DeFi, local dog, chain games, NFT, new listings, airdrops, pledges, etc. But please remember, you are not here to learn skills, you are here to make money, you don’t have to participate in every track, you will definitely lose more than you earn, because the money in the cryptocurrency circle must be earned by those who deeply study each track, not for those who dabble in it. For example, I participated in everything, but later found that I could not make ends meet.

Thirteenth Advice

Don't try and make mistakes on your own, listen to what others say and let go of your own prejudices

The cost of trial and error is too high. In this circle, if you make a wrong step, you will lose everything. Listen to other people's opinions, put aside your prejudices, and don't look down on anything. For example, brc20 these days, to be honest, I really look down on those who play this. I first saw this mechanism in March and felt that it was not a pure purple gold plate? I did not participate, but later this thing directly broke my cognition and made me pay the price for my prejudice. I missed freedom again. So when you come to this circle, you must have a learning heart, put aside your prejudices, and learn slowly.

Fourteenth Advice

The most important magic weapon in the cryptocurrency circle: double the capital

No matter which track you are a participant in, whether it is spot, contract, or local dog, you must remember an iron rule, you must double your capital! ! No one can eat the fish from the head to the tail! You can hold the spot for a long time with fixed investment! But the volatility of local dogs is particularly large! You must double your capital! Because the team leader has turned from floating profit to loss more than once! Don’t worry about whether you will make less money! No loss is profit! Withdraw your principal when doubling! Let the profit roll over! In this way, it returns to zero, and the principal is still there! Doubling the capital is simple to say, but it is very difficult to execute. This is human nature~ So everyone should weigh it carefully~ (The contract is the same! Close half of the position after doubling)

The market is turbulent at present, and a violent bull market is about to come. It is lonely to walk alone. Those who hoard spot goods in the hope that the spot prices will double. If you can't hold on, please click on my avatar to see the pinned page on my homepage. Please follow me and I will share my bull market strategy deployment with my fans free of charge.

I need fans, you need references!