#热门话题 #

A Guide for Newbies in the Cryptocurrency Circle: My Conscience Tips for Layout in the Bull Market

Hello, fellow newbies in the cryptocurrencies! As a newcomer who has just entered this mysterious and exciting field, I believe everyone wants to make a big splash in the bull market and earn a generous return, right? Today, I will share with you some of my personal tips for layout in the bull market, hoping to help you!

Tip 1: Follow the trend to make money, don't be greedy!

Everyone knows that the key to making money is to catch the trend. But don't be greedy! Greed can be bad. For example, always thinking about selling high and buying low (wanting to magnify trend gains), frequently changing positions, buying a bunch of coins (for fear of missing any track), investing all positions (for fear of not having a chance to get on the bus if it rises), and not daring to buy at the bottom (for fear of being buried), these greedy behaviors must be avoided. We have to be steady and cautious.

Tip 2: Maintain a stable income and be ready to buy at the bottom at any time!

If you want to be successful in the cryptocurrency world, a stable source of income is essential. In this way, you can have money to buy at the bottom at any time! For example, wages, financing fees, mining, simple holding of coins to earn income, etc. are all good choices. With these stable incomes, you can boldly buy at the bottom when the market is down and earn rich returns.

Secret three: Patience is gold, wait for the best time!

In cryptocurrency investment, patience is one of the most important qualities. You have to wait patiently for the golden pit bought at the bottom, and you have to wait patiently for the bull market to come and escape the top. Don't rush to enter the market, don't rush to leave the market, believe in your own judgment, and wait for the best time.

Secret four: Choose the right currency and stay away from wild chicken coins!

The last point, and the most important point: choose the right currency! We have to choose those currencies that can really be accepted by big funds. Those wild chicken coins and copycat coins are destined to not go far. Therefore, before investing, you must do enough homework to understand the background, team, technical strength and other aspects of the currency, so as to ensure the safety of your investment.

Well, the above are my personal tips for bull market layout! I hope these suggestions can help you. I wish you all can make a lot of money in the bull market.


If you feel helpless, confused, and can't see the direction in trading, you can come to my village and click on the avatar Kan Jianjie. You can be a real player.