A piece of advice for cryptocurrency traders: no matter you hold BTC, ETH or BNB, etc., please take 1 minute to check out the cryptocurrency circle.


Eight “don’ts” after financial freedom.


First, don’t let people around you know that you are speculating in cryptocurrencies. The reasons are many and complicated, and those who understand will understand.


Second, don’t let others know how much you have earned. Do not post your income and asset charts to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.


Third, don’t show off your wealthy life in your circle of friends. No one wishes you well except your closest relatives, and showing off easily attracts jealousy. After acquiring a large amount of wealth for the first time, keep a distance from the people you knew before. After many bigwigs in the cryptocurrency circle achieved financial freedom in the bull market of 2013, 2017 or 2021, the first thing they did was to resign and never work again, and the second thing they did was to delete all the people they knew before.


Fourth, stay away from gambling and drugs. The former will destroy people psychologically, and the latter will destroy you physically.


Fifth, don't call people stupid or get angry with them. It will affect your fortune. Stay away from trashy people and those who drain you. If you encounter someone you disagree with, just block and delete them. Adding one more punctuation mark is a waste of time.


Sixth, don’t do good deeds on your own initiative, don’t show mercy to anyone, let go of the desire to help others, respect the fate of others, just be yourself, and let the rest take its course.


Seventh, don’t invest recklessly in unfamiliar areas. People cannot make money beyond their knowledge.


Eighth, stay away from physical entrepreneurship unless you are doing it for fun rather than making money. In the current economic environment, physical entrepreneurship is a life or death struggle. For those who have achieved financial freedom, investment strategies tend to be conservative and seek stable returns.


Here are some suggestions:


1. Diversify your investment portfolio. In addition to stocks and bonds, you can also consider other assets such as real estate, bulk finance, and commodities.


2. Maintain cash flow and ensure sufficient cash flow to deal with emergencies or new investment opportunities.


3. Pay attention to capital protection and choose low-risk investment tools to protect capital.


4. Have a long-term perspective. Even if you have achieved financial freedom, you still need to consider long-term financial planning and asset allocation. It is recommended to discuss more detailed strategies with a financial advisor to match your personal financial goals and risk tolerance. #比特币减半 #大盘走势