The production cut is expected to be completed at around 7 am tomorrow, which will have a significant impact on miners' costs and will bring the production cost of the big cake to about $35,000.

The first big cake ecological project that appeared simultaneously with the production cut was the rune RUNESTONE,

which is also the initiator of ORDI. The reason is that the original inscriptions generated too much UTXO garbage. The rune will greatly reduce the UTXO occupancy rate in the block space, and can make the big cake rune have diversified naming, batch transmission, destruction and other functions similar to Ethereum.

This will make the big cake ecosystem more scalable. At present, many software already support the casting of the RUNES protocol. We need to keep up with the pace of the times to truly experience the beauty of the currency circle!

The current unit price of the big cake rune is 0.07 BTC/a rune.

Those who don't know runes can follow Miao Jie Zhuye,

She 👗 will teach you to buy new ones.

#Runes符文 #比特币减半
