Coin circle: The fundamental reason why retail investors are cut!

Retail investors always like to sigh that dog dealers cut leeks, but have you ever thought that the main reason for being cut is actually themselves?

It is the leeks themselves who are not motivated, fall on the edge of others' knives, and actively ask for cutting.

When the market continues to fall, they vent their emotions crazily and constantly release panic emotions in various places.

And there is no basis for judgment at all, and they are talking nonsense.

Not only did they explode their mentality, but they also brought down other leeks, and finally everyone was cut together.

Miners are investing, giant whales are increasing their holdings, banned qun; Wei; wuq6267 Wall Street is also buying, and my cousin has been encouraging everyone to buy...

You turn a blind eye to these, but you believe the remarks of a leek around you and put them into investment action.

How can you make money in the coin circle like this?

On the contrary, if you can withstand the fluctuations of the coin circle and stick to the end, the wealth of the coin circle will flow into your pocket.

The investment market is actually very fair. The odds of making money and losing money are 20:80. Only when a few people make money and the majority lose money can this investment game continue.

If everyone can make money, this game will be difficult to maintain.

So in the game of investment, we should try to stay away from the thinking of leeks, stay away from the speech of leeks, and operate against the market sentiment. Only by becoming a minority in this market can you make money in this bull market.

Every bull market is the graveyard of leeks, and this round is even more so.

The purpose of the Winter Circle is to make everyone a minority in the currency circle.

The most important thing for everyone is to focus on the long-term strategy of Winter when investing, not various short-term orders. These are all small things and not worth mentioning.

Investment thinking and strategy are the key to making money in this bull market.

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