Remember: When you have no ideas, look at Brother Sao's ideas!

Remember: When you have no trading logic, you can follow Brother Sao to learn trading logic!

The 59800 intraday strength and weakness watershed told you in the morning!

It broke through at 10:30 in the morning, recovered, and the trend was done in one go!

At this moment, it has walked out of a space of about 3,000 dollars!

It is impossible to have no pork leg rice, but the premise is that when such a trading opportunity appears, when a low-multiple signal appears, and when a high profit-loss ratio appears;

Do you have a clear trading logic, or panic with the market price jump?

Do you decisively control your position and make a bold bottom position or wait for the market fluctuation to explode?

When it rises, do you decisively stop profit in batches, or continue to be greedy and ride the roller coaster frequently?

As long as we continue to improve our trading logic and formulate our trading strategies, then when a high profit-loss ratio appears, it is time for you to show your skills!

It all depends on how we control it!

#复盘总结学习改变成长收获 $BTC