🚀 With history as a guide, we are seeing familiar models in the market. BTC is likely to remain stable between 63,000 and 65,000 for several days, before temporarily falling to 55,000. 50K, makes you nervous, but don't be afraid! This drop is just preparation for an exciting increase to 100,000 in the near future.

🤔What about alternative currencies?

In previous Bitcoin crashes, they have seen notable gains, with the average altcoin skyrocketing over 100x and meme coins skyrocketing a staggering 5,000x or more. With new meme coins hitting Tier 1 exchanges, the potential for growth is huge.

👀Watch the market over the next 2-3 weeks as Alt Coins lead the way.

✨This is a great opportunity for smart investors to ride the wave and profit.