
The much-anticipated Rune (Rune Protocol) is now online in 2 days

BTC halving is imminent, and the rune will be launched when the block height reaches 840,000! How can ordinary retail investors participate? Biteye will teach you how to get started from the following aspects, don't miss it

What are runes?

Preparation: Wallet, split UTXO
Participation method 1: Casting runes
Participation method 2: Trading runes
Participation method 3: Trading NFT
Other tools


What are Runes and why should I care?

Simply put, runes and inscriptions are both minted on Bitcoin. Inscriptions are similar to NFTs, which are unique; runes are similar to FTs (Fungible Tokens), which are homogeneous.

Biteye's previous tweet briefly introduced the concept of runes, the difference between BRC-20 and preheating concept projects, etc. If you are interested in this part, please click here.

[Play with Runes in one picture (Runes Protocol)]

The Runes protocol (runes), which is expected to be launched in April, is the hottest topic in the BTC ecosystem recently. Various "rune airdrop" concept projects have attracted attention, such as Runestone, the largest-scale Ordinals airdrop at present, which can be called "crazy stone". As a dark horse in the BTC ecosystem, what is Runes doing? Biteye brings you the following picture summary. If you missed the inscription, don't miss the rune again!

Preparation: Wallet, split UTXO

a. Install a wallet: Prepare multiple wallets to prevent transactions from failing due to too many wallets being pending. The mainstream wallets that support Rune are:
- @okxweb3
- @unisat_wallet, select Taproot (P2TR) as the address type
- @XverseApp

b. Split UTXO: Similar to preparing change, this is to prevent the situation where the wallet balance is sufficient but the transaction is prompted with insufficient balance, because BTC transactions are based on UTXO, and so are runes.

First, check the number of wallet UTXOs and the balance of each: @ordinalswallet
Secondly, split the UTXO, for example, split the UTXO into 100U pieces:
- https://luminex.io/runes/split-utxos

- https://wizz.cash/btc/send

Participation method 1: Casting runes (first level new listing)

Reference for proxy tools:
- @unisat_wallet,

Portal: https://unisat.io/inscribe
- @okxweb3,

Portal https://okx.com/zh-hans/web3/marketplace/ordinals/inscribing
- @luminexio,

Portal: https://luminex.io
- @runealpha_btc,

Portal https://runealpha.xyz/etch

- @satosea_xyz,

Portal: https://satosea.xyz/en/inscribe
- @GeniiData,

Portal https://geniidata.com/ordinals/inscribe/text?ref=M9LTHP
- @btcbotpro,

Portal @BTCBot_BRC20_bot is a Telegram robot that supports automatic monitoring, automatic sniping, and limit price trading

If you do not use a proxy tool and want to mint the earliest Rune Alpha yourself, you need to deploy a full node. You can refer to the online tutorial.

Participation method 2: Trading runes (secondary buying and selling)

Rune trading platform reference:
- @OKXWeb3_CN
- @MEonBTC
- @ordinalswallet
- @Rune_Pro

Runes are not yet online and are not available for trading.

Participation method 3: Trading NFT

Some concept projects will first issue airdrop certificates (Ordinal NFT), and then airdrop rune tokens to the holders of the airdrop certificates after the runes are launched, such as the previously popular Runestone and RSIC.
@MagicEden Retrieve more Pre-Runes items.

Portal: https://magiceden.io/

Other tools

- Runes Test Network: http://wallet.xverse.app/runes
- Transaction acceleration: @wizzwallet, @XverseApp (accelerated by RBF)
- Data analysis: @GeniiData, @ord_io
- Check out upcoming runes and where they are located: https://ordiscan.com/runes

If you find it helpful, please like, forward, and collect it.

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