Blockchain Liangqiu: 4.18 Bitcoin/Ethereum Operation Strategy with Market Analysis

The market fluctuates every moment, so naturally people will think it is an opportunity, and when you really participate, you will find that it is a risk. In the past two days, the overall volatility of Bitcoin and Ethereum has been relatively large. Yesterday, we once again arranged the idea of ​​first short and then long, which was also perfectly verified. Including the early market rose and the long orders were successfully taken again. At the same time, short orders were directly arranged to enter the market. At present, short orders have also taken some space. As of now, Bitcoin has reached 61000 again and Ethereum has reached 2965. The white market will continue to fluctuate downward to test whether the low point last night can be effectively supported. If the support is effective, there will be a rebound.

The daily and four-hour lines are under pressure again. The primary focus in the future is still the support strength of the 59000 and 2900 lines below. The upper side is still concerned about the suppression near 3060 and 62600. The three lines of the daily MA moving average resonate downward, and the short trend is relatively obvious. However, if there is no break near the lower support, don’t chase the short. If you are still not good at the band in this market, you can communicate more.

Intraday operation suggestions: Bitcoin short orders near 61300 to 61600, target 59500 to 60000; Ethereum short orders near 2990 to 3020, target 2900 to 2920. The post is timely. The current market is good. Friends who have trouble controlling the rhythm can consult more. More strategies are based on real-time guidance. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿