Today's big cake

The four-hour line is still at the support point and has not gone out of direction in the shock

The ultra-short-term observation shows that the holding volume has increased slightly

Accompanied by the decline in the long-short ratio

It is estimated that the market has not rebounded violently after the decline

Some funds believe that the decline has not ended, so they began to test whether it can continue to fall

So small funds entered the market to short test, but the amount of funds is relatively small and has little significance for the time being

In addition, the deleveraging of the bull market generally has a good increase after the end

The leverage was liquidated before the production cut this time. I think it is conducive to the rise after the production cut

In addition, the altcoin market fell by 50 points, basically It has returned to the position at the end of last year

The altcoins have not risen much in this bull market, and the market is enthusiastic

The leverage is too large. The less the altcoins rise, the more the market expects to make up for the rise

Finally, the leverage was liquidated and returned to the pre-liberation period. Since the leverage liquidation has been completed

We should have more confidence in the future market. I think the current market needs confidence

Confidence is more important than anything else

After the leverage liquidation in each bull market, the increase and speed are very fast

It seems that it has risen for half a year and then fell in a few days

After the liquidation is completed, it will not take that long to rise back or even set a new high, so hold on.