Unfortunately, financial planning is not taught in school.

This sincerely upsets me: children study mathematics, physics, and literature. And much of this is unlikely to be as useful in life as financial planning☝

Of course, it is necessary and important to develop, but there are things that both humanists and technologists need. Financial planning is one of them.

Much has already been said about financial planning. Today I’ll tell you about the advantages that I consider important. And there are two of them - the main, fundamental ones.

✔Planning your future.

I often say that a successful athlete always follows a program. This program is designed so that he achieves his goals: speed, strength, agility, etc. It's the same story with income.

Even if you earn relatively little, but know how to plan your income, you can create your own future and achieve your goalsâ˜ș

✔ Helps you see and close the holes into which money flows.

Many people with a consistently good income consider themselves successful. But they are successful exactly as long as they have this income. If for some reason the income disappears, they are left without money. Everything is simple here: without financial planning, as income increases, expenses also increase—holes appear in the budget.

Imagine a 100 liter barrel that is completely filled with water, and a 200 liter barrel that is also filled with water. It’s just that in the first barrel all the walls are intact, but in the second they are cracked and damaged. All 200 liters will leak out of the second barrel. Financial planning helps to find these holes and patch them up. Or replace the barrel with a more reliable one 😉

The ability to plan finances is the ability to ensure your own comfortable life. These are our prospects and the main tool with which we can manage finances😎

Do you want to learn financial planning?

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