There are less than three days left until the BTC halving, and the market will enter a period of narrow fluctuations in the short term.

If the market rises too much, it will naturally fall, and if it falls too much, it will naturally rebound. This is all a "natural phenomenon". Many times, news always lags behind the K-line.

Bitcoin is in a period of volatile sideways movement most of the time. Although history will repeat itself, it will not simply repeat itself.

If we follow the trend of the previous bull market, it is not difficult for BTC to reach 100,000 US dollars. Under the market Fomo sentiment, it is not impossible to reach 200,000-400,000 US dollars.

However, this process is bound to be tortuous, so you must do your own risk control. In the crypto market, any risk comes from your ignorance and greed.


On the day of BTC halving, Runes were also launched simultaneously, and I saw many friends asking how to participate in the background.

First of all, Runes is a new protocol built on BTC. Its founder is Casey, who is also the founder of the Ordinals protocol. Casey designed this protocol to reduce the burden that BRC-20 brings to Bitcoin nodes.

Secondly, this protocol will be officially launched on April 20, and the assets issued using this protocol are called runes. A simple analogy is the Ordinals protocol that was popular last year. The assets issued on the Ordinals protocol are called inscriptions.


Runestone, Rsic, Blobs, etc. on the market now are not runes because the Runes Protocol has not yet been officially launched.

These projects have all emerged in the last 1-2 months, and the main logic is: to use the strong market expectations to conduct a preview before Runes is officially released at block 840,000.

Get things done in advance, first issue NFTs on Ordinals to build community consensus, and after the Runes protocol is officially deployed, issue project tokens on the Runes protocol and airdrop them to NFT holders.


Simply put, what you buy now is the pre-sale version, which will not be officially shipped until April 20. Of course, there will definitely be cases where the money is absconded without shipping.

When Runes is officially launched, there are several ways to participate in Runes:

1. Directly mint the first 10 tokens No. 0 to 9 deployed by Casey’s team, with names to be determined.

Moreover, due to the high attention of Runes and the complete infrastructure ecosystem of Ordinals, it is estimated that many proxy tools will support it in the first time, and a local BTC full node should not be required. It is estimated that this will cause a surge in Gas for a period of time.

2. Holders of the above-mentioned NFTs or certificates pre-sold or launched in the next two months will directly receive the corresponding airdrops after the project deploys the corresponding tokens on Runes.


In addition to rune narrative, the long-awaited Merlin Chain is also officially launched.

Merlin Chain has now opened the airdrop query page corresponding to Merlin's Seal points.

OKX will launch MERL/USDT spot trading at 18:00 Beijing time on April 19.

Query channel:


In a bull market, it is important to choose the right staking project. If you spent $43,000 to buy 1 BTC on February 8 to stake Merlin Chain.

So far, based on Bitcoin’s price of $63,000, you can reap nearly 20% of the coin’s base price increase, plus about 10,000 $MERL tokens. Based on the OTC price of $2, the total return in these two months can reach 100%, with an annualized return of 600%.

Having said that, if you are using inscriptions or other means to pledge, you may still be losing money now. Go with the flow and make choices that are more important than hard work. To obtain excess returns, the so-called right time, right place, and right people are all essential.


Finally, let me talk about a recent BTC ecological project that I am optimistic about:

$BVM - ready to unleash its power, one of the most promising projects in the $BTC ecosystem.

First goal: $20 and above

- Modular blockchain meta-protocol, the next generation ecosystem

- Support Runes, $STAMP and more BTC ecosystems

- Partnerships with $FIL, $MATIC, $NEAR, and more

- Token destruction system: 179,247.255 $BVMs destroyed

- Developers can launch their own Bitcoin L2 blockchain in just a few clicks

In short, BVM is a highly scalable ecosystem for Bitcoin.

This is one of the most worthwhile projects to bet on the halving effect and is also a great choice for long-term holding.


Remember, if you view your position as a long-term investment, a market drop should be viewed as a gift. It provides an opportunity to buy more tokens.

Finally, it is crucial to have a strategy before making any purchases, and never invest all of your money.

I hope this topic is helpful to you. 🙏Thank you for your likes and support👍