Considering the data provided, investing in RWA (Real World Asset) coins can offer significant potential returns, but it's essential to weigh the risks and rewards carefully. Here's a breakdown of the options based on their current profit percentages and their distance to their all-time highs (ATH):

1. **ICP (Internet Computer Protocol):** While it has a substantial current profit percentage, its ATH percentage is exceptionally high, indicating a significant distance from its previous peak. This could present an opportunity for a strong rebound if it regains momentum.

2. **SNX (Synthetix):** With a high current profit percentage and a substantial gap to its ATH, SNX also presents an intriguing opportunity for potential growth if it continues its upward trajectory.

3. **RSR (Reserve Rights):** RSR has a lower current profit percentage compared to some others, but its distance to its ATH suggests significant room for growth if it surpasses previous highs.

4. **DUSK (Dusk Network):** DUSK has a relatively high current profit percentage and a considerable gap to its ATH, indicating potential for substantial gains if it regains momentum.

5. **LTO Network (LTO):** LTO has a moderate current profit percentage and a sizable gap to its ATH, offering potential upside if it manages to surpass previous highs.

Considering these factors, if I had idle capital to invest, I would consider ICP, SNX, RSR, DUSK, or LTO as they have a combination of strong potential returns and significant distance to their ATH. However, it's crucial to conduct further research into each project's fundamentals, development progress, and market sentiment before making any investment decisions. Additionally, diversification and risk management are essential principles to follow in cryptocurrency investing.