The current fundamental situation!

1. The macro situation!

The United States will enter a period of dollar recovery. Lowering interest rates and lowering the dollar are major strategic policies. Although it is now affected by inflation, this action must be taken! It is foreseeable and cannot be given away.

The US election is coming, US stocks cannot fall, and Bitcoin cannot fall either. Now it is just a technical correction. It is also the established policy of the United States to dominate the cryptocurrency market, which cannot be shaken. In particular, Hong Kong has also begun to accelerate the establishment of its own ETFs, which will not only inject vitality into the market, but also promote the layout actions of the old Americans. Therefore, the bull market is irreversible!

2. Analyze the current situation

First, the ETF hype has come to an end. Although Hong Kong is investing in ETFs, it remains to be seen how large the scale will be. According to the marginal theory, its benefits will be weakened, and the promotion of the currency price will also be weakened. Now that Wall Street's ETFs have switched from buying to selling, there is a net outflow, which will definitely put pressure on Bitcoin in the short term. But everyone remembers that ETFs will become the most critical and important dominant force in ruling the future trend of Bitcoin!

2. Halving. Halving is a change in the supply side of chips. Reducing supply is definitely good for the market, but halving is still increasing rather than cutting off supply, so its impact will be weakened. According to historical trajectories, the bull and bear of Bitcoin has always been determined by the halving cycle. Although it is not the only determining force this year, its influence is definitely still there.

Generally speaking, there will be a correction before and after the halving, with a range of 20-50%. There is still some room for adjustment. Today is only three days away from the halving, and it should be regarded as entering the halving market. It will definitely bring everyone a bottom. Personally, I tend to think that the initial bottom will be between 55,000 and 59,000.

But there will still be a 1-2 month oscillation period for adjustment. After the bottom is built, the market will enter the second peak of the bull market. The historical increase is at least 3 times, at most 30 times, and normally 5-8 times. I will take the minimum value and adjust it to 50,000. You can calculate how much room there is.

The AI ​​intelligent sector has always been one of the sectors that A Zheng is optimistic about in the bull market. AI intelligence is currently very popular in various fields, and the related tokens in the bull market will definitely not disappoint everyone!

AI must be the most popular track with the highest exposure and topic in this bull market, and it is also the main narrative sector of this bull market, because the field that Americans are best at is the technology sector. Large companies are investing in the field of artificial intelligence, including Ultraman and Microsoft, Google, Apple, Huawei, etc., so the AI ​​sector must be laid out! Whether in the long or short term, you can pay attention to the financial sector!


The main focus is on decentralized artificial intelligence platforms and markets, which is in line with the development trend of AI X Web3.


The team has a luxurious lineup. Two of the three founders of the team, Humayun Sheikh and Toby Simpson, are early investors in DeepMind, a world-leading artificial intelligence company.


OpenAI founder invests


Popular currencies in the AI ​​sector


Jointly initiated by Hollywood shareholders, Microsoft and Multicoin. Raised $134 million


Polychain, Dao5, and DCG hold hundreds of millions of dollars in TAO tokens


Popular currencies in the AI ​​sector


Key projects invested by bi'anlabs


Famous Brand BN + Waterdrop Capital DWF Market Maker

However, it should be noted that FET OCEAN AGIX - The Artificial Intelligence Super League has confirmed the merger of ASI tokens. ASI tokens are expected to be launched on May 24! In May, AGIX OCEAN FET will become ASI. Just wait for it to be re-launched!

When you are planning to invest in spot trading, you must find the hot spots of the bull market! ! Let’s focus on the RWA sector, which must be planned:

ONDO: Ondo Finance is committed to improving the security, efficiency and accessibility of financial services through institutional-grade on-chain products.

MKR: Currently the most widely used RWA asset by MakerDAO, such as centralized stablecoins and short-term government bonds.

TOKEN : Launched by the Floki team, TokenFi aims to provide users with everything they need to tokenize their assets in a simple all-in-one platform without having to write any code.

POLYX: Binance has become a node operator on Polymesh by trading volume, staking POLYX tokens on the layer 1 blockchain through its platform.

The prices of counterfeit goods are very low now, so there is no need to panic or hesitate. Compare the current prices after half a year and you will definitely get a good profit.

Again, don't try to guess the bottom, but prepare to buy the bottom in batches! Taking April 14 as the starting point, the expected adjustment will be at least until mid-May. Based on one month, the longer the adjustment time, the greater the opportunity. I still recommend the more certain track L2, among which the focus is ARB, OP, STRK, and METIS. Among them, OP and ARB were grasped in 22 and 23 respectively. At present, the focus has shifted to STRK. Copy what was done well before and improve what was not done before. I believe it will not be a problem to grasp this wave of market!

According to the previous trend of ARB or OP, the market is not completed in one day, and the bottom does not appear in one day, especially for new varieties. After experiencing the scene of OP pin-dropping and falling to 0.4, and ARB washing and falling to around 0.74, there is still awe for this wave of STRK bottoming out, so it is expected that there will be a rebound next, but it is not a trend market, so you can profit at highs. For the current layout of positions, buy small when it drops slightly, buy large when it drops sharply, and sell them one after another when the first wave of rebounds comes. If you don’t know how to do short-term trading, it is recommended to hold it. My own experience of playing ARB before tells me that it is easy to sell short-term and don’t know when to buy. Instead, you will go to a higher position to pick it up. After tossing and turning, you find that there is actually no need. Therefore, in terms of position management, make a good allocation! Overall, if you are in the medium and long term, you have not entered the market yet. If you buy the L2 track with your eyes closed, the hype of this track has not really started yet. When no one cares, everyone will ambush silently, and when the hype explodes, you can just take the money in batches!

Before the trend comes, one thing you must remember is: You must survive first before you can have a future!

Finally, there are still many things that are not written down, such as specific opportunities and specific decisions. These things are often not something that can be summarized in one article.

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