When trading, you must always have a position. How to explain the reasonable position division of 1/3/3/3?

40% is a stable mainstream, such as big cake, Ethereum, BNB, Sol and other stable public chain projects, or projects with underlying logic support for long-term investment that you are more optimistic about.

3 is an application built on the public chain, such as DeFi (uni jup ray, etc.), basic applications (ens, tia, etc.), storage (ar blz, etc.)

3 is a phased hot spot band. These 3 are often closed. Keep idle positions at any time, and you can attack or defend.

1 Do a low-multiple contract for contracts that you know, and if you don’t know, grab short-term contracts every day. How to choose short-term, every day at 8:00 or 00:00, according to the ranking order of increase, select a coin according to k, and make a profit of about 5 points during the day. Don’t move if the market is not good.

It seems that the position is not fully utilized, but your operation is very proactive. This is the position reduction of Ostrich Brother today, and it will be gradually exited according to the increase. Q Autumn 6924.

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