4.17 Bitcoin and Ethereum Market Analysis

Yesterday's Bitcoin and Ethereum market was too large, and the market also fluctuated up and down several times before rising. The first wave pulled up Ethereum 3120 and Bitcoin 63800, and then fluctuated down and rose again after this morning. At present, the continuity of the market is not strong. As of now, Bitcoin has come to around 64200 again and Ethereum is around 3110. The overall Bitcoin is in a state of compensatory rise. Ethereum is still at the high point of yesterday, and the market is still mainly range-bound.

Intraday operation suggestions: Bitcoin 64300 to 64500 short, the first target is 63000, the second target is 62300; Ethereum 3120 to 3140 short, the first target is 3060, the second target is around 3020. #etf #BTC #ETH