4.17 Bitcoin market analysis:

1-hour chart shows that Bitcoin fluctuated upward last night. At present, bulls continue to exert their strength, the Bollinger band is open, and the price rebounds to the upper track and impacts upward. The short-term bullish trend is relatively strong. The 4-hour chart shows that the bulls continue to break upward and have begun to break through the middle track and exert upward force. Continue to maintain the bullish trend. You can directly open a long position to buy the bottom. Real-time guidance: btc0798

Bitcoin operation suggestions:

63000-63500 long, target 64500-66000 stop loss 62000

Dealing with the market alone is easily affected by emotions, resulting in a long-term situation of more losses and less gains. Friends who are not operating well can consult on the bus. #etf #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #非农数据