At midnight, we gave a long idea around 62200. After giving the idea, our Buju also entered the market at 66300 and went long. The subsequent price ratio also rose as expected. I also left the market in time when the price ratio rose to 64000. Perfect Luo took more than 1700 points of space, and Yitai took more than 60 points of space at the same time. In the morning, we also gave a long idea again. At present, the price ratio stabilized around 64000 and fluctuated up and down, with a small overall fluctuation. There is always a way out. There will always be a dilemma on the road to invest in purple. If you change your mind inadvertently, you may understand that there is still a road beside the road., be calm when you gain and calm when you lose, strive for the inevitable and let it go. No matter where you are, I will always wait for you!

From the current overall market structure, although yesterday's low point was broken to test the support position of 61500, the decline was unsustainable and ended with a bottoming out and rebound. We can think that the decline is not a real weak decline. A weak decline must be a continuous and uninterrupted decline, constantly refreshing the low point, and being able to hold the decline. Even if there is a rebound correction, it will not break the previous high. On the contrary, the current market trend is fast falling and fast rising. After yesterday's decline, the bulls showed a step-by-step upward trend at midnight, while the negative lines were relatively few. This pattern is completely different from the weak rhythm. The current price ratio is also running around the middle track. As the support below continues to move up, the bullish trend is becoming clearer and clearer. In the future, we can still use the low point after the retracement to arrange the bulls. #比特币减半

The big cake is around 63500-63200, and the target is 65000

The concubine is around 3070-3050, and the target is 3150