What would you do if BTC is worth $10,000 tomorrow?

Staring at the price will get you nothing.

People who stare at the price are actually fools, and those who think they are smart are actually shrewd fools.

I only look at the land, not the price.

In the past, the valuable things in the human world were land resources, and land was the most important means of survival.

After further evolution, shops in the city became an important means of survival.

Now, an IP, a live broadcast account with many fans is worth a Wanda Plaza.

It is undeniable that the price of virtual assets is gradually higher than the value of physical assets.

BTC is one of the virtual assets. It cannot be seen, touched, or interest-bearing.

From a future perspective, this is the world currency.

No country's currency is recognized by the whole world. Even the US dollar cannot be spent in China. You have to exchange it. There are procedures.

But BTC can be easily exchanged into local legal currency in any country, as long as there is an Internet connection and a mobile phone.

BTC can also protect your free property from infringement.

Suppose you live in Ukraine, you are a rich second generation, your factory was caught in a fire, war, your family business may be gone.

But you have BTC, you can take these things to any country to make you worry-free. This is the real price of BTC

Born to protect your wealth, and also for your freedom. Other coins can't do it,

For example, USDT can be frozen, other coins may be stopped, only BTC can be held for a long time.

If you ask me when you can buy and when you can't buy, to put it simply,

When everyone is willing to buy and it is very easy to buy BTC, you can't buy it

When people around you don't approve and it's not convenient to buy, you can still buy it now. But the premise is that you are optimistic.

If you don't understand why BTC is so awesome, you can read my article.

Its real awesomeness is not for speculation, but for zero-cost circulation and trading around the world without human control

This is its real value. Argentina uses BTC as legal tender, El Salvador uses BTC as legal tender

Why is this the case? Because their other monetary systems have been destroyed, so they have to give it a try. There is no other way but to use this.

I am May. If you want to dig deeper into the cryptocurrency circle, but can't find a clue, want to get started quickly, and don't know how to operate, welcome to join the village. I hope everyone will be responsible for every decision in life. Come on! #比特币减半 #WIF #ENA $SOL $BNB