The yield of 5-year US Treasury bonds is approaching 5%. The last time it was close to 5% was in late October last year, when the US stock market was at the end of a five-stage decline. At that time, the price of Bitcoin was 2.8w, and the previous two stage highs were 3.1 and 3.18 respectively. The technical form gave people an illusion of an M top (you can check the trend at that time). Everyone knows what happened later. The main upward trend of Bitcoin and US stocks has begun.

Now, in terms of technical form, Bitcoin has formed a "triple top", which may be another illusion of inducing short selling. However, the daily correction of US stocks has just begun. Referring to the previous market, Bitcoin fluctuated in the range (25-28) and US stocks pulled back. So at this stage, I think there are two most likely trends.

1. When the US stock market pulls back, Bitcoin will oscillate in the range of 6-6.7, and wait for the US stock market to pull back in place, and continue to charge upward.

2. Bitcoin follows the pullback of the US stock market and steps back to the middle track of Bollinger at around 5.5, replicating the market in early March 23.

Another point to note is that the U.S. Treasury bonds have hit a record high in quarterly issuance this year, with 7.2 trillion in the first quarter of this year, more than during the 20-year epidemic.

Now that things have come to this, it is necessary for the printing press to start.

Back to the currency circle.

At this stage, don't bring the inertial thinking developed in the bear market to the bull market. Especially for new leeks entering the bear market, don't be scared by the short-term correction, don't be influenced by some people who are bearish on the market, their bearish logic cannot withstand any scrutiny.

Don't indulge in short-term trading and can't extricate yourself. You must have a clear understanding of the subsequent general direction: the bull market is not over! Patiently wait for the legal currency to open the floodgates and bring huge liquidity to the global financial market.

I am May. If you want to dig deep in the currency circle, can't find a clue, want to get started quickly, and don't know how to operate, welcome Master Ye Jincun. I hope everyone will be responsible for every decision in life. Come on! #比特币减半 #ENA #fdusd $BTC $SOL