Tuesday’s summary and operational ideas in the early morning: Get out of the predicament ~ short selling!

The day's thinking is very clear, Zuo Kun is bearish! Today, the short-term has been successful in four consecutive waves. Basically, there is room for thousands of points. A total of more than 👇6,000 points has been obtained, which is very satisfying [awesome]! The direction is the same as that of Lao Gu. Not only will he make a lot of money, but he will not be covered in bruises. All ideas are disclosed in advance and can be downloaded. In the evening, it is still mainly following the trend, with a slight rebound. If it does not break 64,000, it will be a bullish trend. Work around a trend and not be passive.

Midnight welfare 🧧 let’s go, 3-5 benches, no threshold!

This week, Bitcoin is still led by bears. The rebound of the previous day did not continue, so the rebound is still a correction in the staged decline. At least the market has not given a short-term upward signal, but there is one thing to note about yesterday's decline. Although it gave up the gains on Sunday, it did not break the low. When we analyze the trend, the key basis for judging the continuity of the trend is whether it breaks high or low. Because if the previous low is not broken during the decline, it means that the previous low has a supporting role. What is the role of support? The first is to curb the downward trend of bears, and the second is to provide a basic guarantee for the rebound of bulls.

In the short term, Bitcoin hit a high yesterday and then fell back to give up the gains. The daily watershed is at the 68,000 mark. The currency price did not test this position yesterday. After the decline, the short-term support below should focus on 61,500. The four-hour line has tested this position many times and has not been lost yet. If it effectively falls below, the bears will inevitably fall further. On the upside, yesterday’s second decline point was at 63,800. This position is also the current breakthrough resistance, so the day will continue to short around this position.

Tuesday midnight operation suggestions:

Bitcoin: Short-term rebound around 63300-63800, can be shorted, target is 61000, 60000.

Ether: Just proceed with the synchronous thinking, lock the position, and defend well!

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