To summarize today's market, today's market was quite volatile, and I didn't open an order at the ideal point. For the first three orders, I thought 62000 was the bottom, so I opened a long order. Later, it fell below 62000, rebounded, and stopped loss in time, losing about 170u. Later, I opened a short order at the rebound point of Bitcoin 62677, and then it was pulled to the highest point of 63800. Many people couldn't accept it and withdrew from my order, resulting in losses. 63800 began to fall, and I successfully closed at the lowest point of 61579 at that time, making a direct profit of 360u. Later, I made 2 short orders and made 60u, and lost 9u on bnb short orders. In total, I made a profit of more than 230u from the orders I followed, and my current funds have increased from 1758u to 1981u. Keep up the hard work! If you want to follow my orders, you can join below! #大盘走势