
What should we do when the market crashes?

Yes, the cryptocurrency market is really "exploding" 🔥

What should we do next?

I guess most of you may have run away first, busy with other things, trying to forget about this trouble.

Some people may even go out to play, have fun, and get rid of this depressed mood.

But the real trading masters are not idle.

In the past few days, they may have stayed up all night and couldn't sleep at all.

Why? It's not because they are afraid of the market crash.

But because they are studying frantically to find the secrets of the market.

So, my friends...

Don't just sit and watch the market "fall", wait for it to get better soon.

When the market crashes, it is actually the best time for you to study and learn.

Look at the market trend and study its rules. 查看置顶避风港

Learn the current trend and see what will happen next. $BTC $ETH