I think you can’t communicate with people casually when doing transactions, as you can easily be led and misled!

Opinions and suggestions can be used for reference but must not be copied completely. Being guided and misled is secondary. The most important thing is to fail to cultivate the ability to trade and think independently. After getting used to it, what you often do is to ask others and look for others to lead you on the road to making money. If this doesn't work, switch to the next one, which is a vicious cycle.

Many traders often have such feelings: If I hadn't communicated with others and listened to them, I would have made a lot of money according to my own ideas! As a result, I was misled by him and missed a big opportunity in vain!

Trading is an act that requires relatively independent decision-making. A lot of external information is noise.

Many mature investors have also suffered heavy losses in this regard!

The investor's own discernment is the key to success or failure. How to keep one's mind from being disturbed by the outside world largely determines the success or failure of a transaction.

There is a book that has very interesting research on human behavior and psychology. Most of the results of these studies are reflected in the trading market:

1. When people are in a group, their IQ drops seriously. In order to gain recognition, individuals are willing to abandon right and wrong and use their IQ to exchange for a sense of belonging that makes them feel safe.

2. We always have an illusion that our feelings come from our own hearts.

3. A group can only do two things - add icing on the cake or add insult to injury.

4. Once an individual becomes a member of a group, he will no longer be responsible for his actions. At this time, everyone will expose his unconstrained side. What the group pursues and believes in is never truth and rationality, but blind obedience, cruelty, paranoia and fanaticism, and only knows simple and extreme emotions.

5. We think we are rational and that everything we do makes sense. But in fact, most of our daily behaviors are the result of hidden motives that we cannot understand at all.

6. The so-called faith can make a person completely enslaved by his own dreams.

7. In the eternal conflict with reason, emotion has never lost.

8. Sometimes unreal things contain more truth than real things.

9. The masses have no real thirst for truth, and they will turn a deaf ear to evidence that does not suit their taste... Anyone who can provide them with illusions can easily become their master; anyone who disillusions them will become their victim.

10. Quantity is justice.

11. Whoever masters the art of influencing the imagination of the masses also masters the art of ruling them.

12. Without tradition, there would be no civilization; without the gradual elimination of tradition, there would be no progress.

13. The isolated individual knows well that he cannot burn palaces or loot shops when he is alone, and even if he is tempted to do so, he will easily resist the temptation. But when he becomes part of a group, he will realize the power given to him by numbers, which is enough to make him want to kill and plunder, and he will immediately succumb to this temptation. Unexpected obstacles will be violently destroyed. The human body is indeed capable of producing a large number of fanatical passions, so it can be said that the normal state formed by a group whose wishes are blocked is this state of indignation.

14. The perceptible phenomena can be compared to waves, which are the manifestations on the ocean surface of the chaos in the deep ocean that we know nothing about.

15. If a hero who was supported by the masses yesterday fails, he will be insulted today. Of course, the higher the reputation, the stronger the reaction. In this case, the masses will regard the hero who has fallen on hard times as their own kind and take revenge for having bowed to an authority that no longer exists.

16. The intelligence of a group is always inferior to that of an isolated individual, but from the perspective of emotions and the actions they inspire, a group can perform better or worse than an individual, depending on the environment. Everything depends on the nature of the suggestions the group receives.

17. Crowds exaggerate their emotions, so they are only moved by extreme emotions. Speakers who want to move a crowd must be rude and swear. Exaggeration, certainty, constant repetition, and absolutely no way of proving anything by reasoning are the common rhetorical techniques used by orators at public gatherings.

18. Memorable historical events are merely the tangible consequences of invisible changes in human thought.

19. Isolated individuals have the ability to control their own reactions and behaviors, but groups do not.

20. Tyranny and bigotry are common characteristics of all types of groups.

21. What influences the public imagination is not the facts themselves, but the way they occur and attract attention.

22. The masses always bow to the powerful, but are rarely moved by kindness and good deeds! In their view, kindness and goodness are just synonyms for weakness and gullibility.

23. The public has no discernment and therefore cannot judge the truth of things. Many viewpoints that cannot stand up to scrutiny can easily gain universal approval!

24. The blind obedience of a group will overwhelm the rationality of an individual. Once an individual identifies himself with the group, his originally independent rationality will be overwhelmed by the ignorant madness of the group.

25. In the long run, repeated statements will enter the deep areas of our unconscious self, where our motivations for behavior are formed. At a certain point, we will forget who is the author of the repeated statement, and we will eventually believe it firmly.

26. Individuals in a group are like sand in the sand, and the wind can stir them at will.

27. No matter whether the emotions expressed by a group are good or bad, their outstanding feature is that they are extremely simple and exaggerated.

28. For any leader who can achieve great things, the important quality is not being knowledgeable, but having a strong and persistent willpower, which is an extremely rare and powerful quality that is enough to conquer everything.

29. After forming a group, due to the large number of people, individuals will have an illusion that they are powerful and invincible, as if nothing is impossible.

30. When a person integrates into society, he loses himself.

31. Under the circumstances of having to do so, we may still be willing to accept all the drawbacks of traditional education, because although it only cultivates some people who are abandoned by society and discontented people, at least, the superficial mastery of redundant knowledge and the perfect recitation of piles of textbooks may improve the level of intelligence. But in fact, can it really improve intelligence? Impossible! In life, judgment, experience, enterprising spirit and personality are the conditions for success, which are not what books can give. Books are useful dictionaries for reference, but if you put all these lengthy entries in your mind, it is useless.

32. When the moral forces on which civilization depends lose their effectiveness, its final collapse is always accomplished by unconscious and barbaric groups.

33. Any political, theological or social creed, if it wants to take root among the masses, must take a religious form - a form that excludes dangerous discussions.

34. What the group spirit needs most is not freedom but obedience. They are so willing to obey the will of others that as long as someone claims to be their master, they will instinctively obey him.

35. Although they did it or almost did it in those two hours on that day, a month later they no longer have the ability to do it. They cannot pass the exam again. They keep losing a lot of knowledge that is too heavy, and there is no new knowledge to fill it. Their mental vitality begins to decline, and the ability to promote growth gradually dries up. At this time, a fully developed person is born, but he is already exhausted at this time. Marry and live a stable life, fall into a certain cycle, and repeat it endlessly; he closes himself in a narrow job, doing his job conscientiously, and that's it. They eventually become mediocre.

36. Once an individual is integrated into a group, his or her personality will be obliterated, and the group's ideology will take an absolute dominant position. At the same time, the group's behavior will also show characteristics such as rejection of dissent, extremism, emotionality, and low IQ, which will have a destructive impact on society.

37. The superposition of groups is just the superposition of stupidity, and true wisdom is submerged by the torrent of stupidity.

38. People often talk about that popular theater that only performed depressing plays. After the show, the actor who played the traitor had to be protected from being beaten by the audience. The crime he committed, which was certainly imaginary, aroused great anger among the masses. This seems to me one of the most striking manifestations of the mental state of crowds, and shows clearly how easy it is to give them any hint. For them, falsehood works almost as well as truth. They clearly show a tendency to ignore truth and falsehood.

39. The group may always be unconscious, but this unconsciousness itself may be one of the secrets of its great power. In nature, the behavior of creatures that absolutely obey instincts is so complicated that we cannot believe it. Reason is a recent thing of human beings. It is too imperfect to reveal the laws of the unconscious to us, let alone replace it. In our behavior, the unconscious part accounts for a large proportion, while the rational part accounts for a small proportion. The unconscious is still working as an unknown force.

40. At a certain point we won't remember who made the claim that's been repeated, we'll eventually come to believe it. That's why advertising has such surprising power.

41. The creation of fame is related to several factors, and success is always the most important one.

42. What plays a greater role in determining people’s historical status is not their “real” appearance, but the understanding and feelings of later generations about them.

43. A group will reduce the mistakes of each person and at the same time amplify everyone's malice infinitely.

44. Once the sense of responsibility that restrains personal behavior disappears, people will do whatever they want and act recklessly.

45. The unconscious behavior of the group replaces the conscious behavior of the individual. This is one of the most significant features of the modern era.

46. ​​Five major signs of idolatry: First, idols are always superior to believers and are in a superior position, which plays a decisive role. Second, believers always blindly obey the orders of idols. Third, believers are unable and unwilling to discuss the creeds prescribed by idols. Fourth, believers have a fanatical desire to spread the creeds of idols. Fifth, believers tend to regard anyone who does not accept them as an enemy. When a group meets the first item, its form is equivalent to religion, and this emotion becomes a religious belief. For a group, perhaps the most unreasonable is the most reasonable choice.

47. The masses are increasingly overwhelmed by mass culture, which regards mediocrity and vulgarity as the most valuable things.

48. So don’t become a part of the collective easily, as it is easy to be used by people with ulterior motives. Even if you think you are just following the crowd, you have actually become an accomplice.

49. The group's tendency to exaggerate only affects emotions and has no effect on intelligence.

50. The crowd is poor at reasoning but eager to act.

He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers himself is mighty; he who conquers himself conquers the world!

Your only enemy is yourself and only yourself. 😊

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