Without the support of sustained high market sentiment and enthusiasm, the decline of altcoins is inevitable.

Most altcoins rise to the end in order to exchange for Bitcoin in the hands of retail investors.

Most altcoins are empty, otherwise why do so many people in the market prefer to rush to MEME coins instead of buying other coins with project parties? Because at least meme coins are relatively fair, and they are all fairly launched at the beginning.

Once meme coins are listed on the secondary market, even if institutions need chips, they have to buy them on the secondary market.

The coins issued by those project parties have low circulation and high market value, and they are at their peak when they are listed. The project parties don’t have to do anything in the future, just unlock and cash out. There are also those who play with early unlocking, and they can’t wait to cut leeks nakedly, and their eating appearance is very ugly.

Some new coins listed on BN recently are like this. You can know which ones are garbage by matching them. As soon as they are listed, they will give you a market value of billions of dollars, completely overdrawing the secondary market space.

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