
What is the biggest illusion in the currency circle?

There are too many biggest illusions. Let me tell you

1. You think you can buy low and sell high to do swing trading, constantly taking money out of other people's pockets, and it's easy to make several times a month.

2. You think you can play contracts and predict the market. Sure enough, it falls here and rises there. You find that you can make money by predicting.

3. You believe that people who post orders in the market are very profitable. They are all very rich. You hope they can help you.

4. You think there are secrets to making money in the market. You have been looking for the holy grail in the circle. Others make money just because they have the holy grail.

5. You think Bitcoin is already very high and can't be bought. Ethereum will eventually be killed by other killers. Sell it early. You see that those big players have sold it. You also sold it.

6. You also want to play in this circle. The key is that you feel that you don't have enough money. The key is that you have no money. So you start to swipe your credit card to borrow leverage.

7. You believe that exchanges are safe, and the wallets obtained from search engines can be downloaded at will. So your coins are gone. Years of savings were destroyed in one day.

8. You believe that there will always be someone who can help you make money and achieve financial freedom, but in fact there is no such thing. People must rely on themselves.

9. You always ignore luck. There will be a few lucky fools in each cycle. You always want to get the lucky fool gift package. The truth I understand is:

Things outside of yourself depend on needs. People must rely on themselves. You can't make money by buying coins and thinking about trading. Making money is also a short-term thing. One day you have to pay it all back.

You have to find a different way from everyone else to get resources outside the circle.

If you want to dig deep in the currency circle, but you can't recognize the market, then no matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you. Follow Lao Huang on the homepage. He will share spot passwords, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins for free every day!

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