Welcome to the world of cryptocurrencies! 🚀 Incredible development of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) in 2020-2021. revolutionized our understanding of art and the Internet. The NFT market's trading volume in 2021 was about $25 billion, while just a few years ago it was almost zero.

NFTs are unique digital assets stored on a blockchain, ensuring their scarcity and authenticity. This has made it possible to tokenize digital art, music, videos, and even tweets, turning intangible creations into valuable commodities.

However, the rise in popularity of NFTs has also attracted criticism related to environmental concerns due to the energy intensity of blockchain transactions, as well as questions about the intrinsic value of digital assets. In 2022-2023, NFT trading volume fell 99% from its 2021 peak.

But all is not lost: with the emergence of new NFT projects, especially in Hong Kong, trade volumes have recovered. The NFT space continues to evolve, with new platforms and tools emerging for the growing NFT lending market.