Every time there is a war, the price of gold and oil will rise. Oil is needed for war machines, and gold is because people seek safe havens. War will shake the credit of paper money, and gold, as the oldest currency, has become the first choice.

Although gold has a long history, it also has many problems: it is easy to counterfeit, inconvenient to carry, and inconvenient to divide. Imagine that it is not easy to flee with gold in turbulent times. Bitcoin perfectly solves these problems. It is anti-counterfeiting, easy to divide, and easy to carry. The private key is dozens of characters, and you can remember it anywhere.

Like gold, Bitcoin relies on everyone's consensus to accumulate value and will not depreciate due to war or riots.

You may ask, why did gold rise this time, but Bitcoin fell? Because Bitcoin's safe-haven properties have not been fully recognized. Many people still choose gold instead of Bitcoin.

Now Bitcoin exists more as an investment. Various factors in the market, such as the Fed's interest rate hikes, wars, and policy making, will affect its value. Its safe-haven properties have not yet been truly tapped.

But history is always progressing, and Bitcoin's safe-haven properties will gradually emerge as people's acceptance increases. In my opinion, Bitcoin is a better hedge tool than gold.

People's thoughts are really strange. Before, Bitcoin was more than 60,000, which was expensive, but now it is 65,000, which is cheap. But it doesn't matter. According to the trend of a four-year cycle, the performance in the first half of this year is not important, and next year is the key. Therefore, the current situation has actually exceeded expectations. There is no need to rush. Just wait. When this wash is over, when the profit-taking is cleared, and when this difficult time is over, we can see a better picture. #etf #大盘走势 #比特币减半

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