This is a contribution from a fan some time ago, saying it is his true story. This is a topic that needs to be discussed: Can the cryptocurrency circle really make people depraved?

He has a graduate degree, and before he got involved in the cryptocurrency world, he always thought that his self-control was pretty good, at least better than that of ordinary people. However, he felt that this thing really had nothing to do with the differences in individual academic qualifications and knowledge, because the nature of greed is always in the human genetic code.

In 2019, he accidentally came into contact with Bitcoin through a relative's introduction. At that time, the price of Bitcoin should be 7,000 US dollars. He was bored at the time, so he invested 500 yuan. He didn't expect that it was the Mavericks' period. In two months, Bitcoin rose from 7,000 to 14,000, and the principal doubled. As a senior student at the time, he didn't understand the world and thought that this thing made money really quickly. Then he couldn't stop. From 2019 to 2020, he invested about 10,000 yuan in one year, and then it happened that Bitcoin plummeted on March 12, and he cut his losses in an instant and ran away, losing about 6,000. He felt sorry for his parents at the time, and then restrained himself from playing for half a year.

Later in September last year, a concept called Defi became popular in the blockchain. There was a coin called Uniswap that increased more than ten times in one day. Then he couldn't help but put all the 10,000 yuan living expenses he had saved in a year into it. The market kept falling for the next two months, about 90%. In the end, he had only 1,000 yuan left and he ran away. He thought that he would never play again after losing 20,000 yuan and everything would be over. Unexpectedly, the nightmare began from then on.

Later, Bitcoin ushered in a real bull market, and the price of Bitcoin rose from 10,000 to a maximum of around 64,800. The Unicoin he bought before also doubled at least 20 times from the bottom. Then he began to regret it, thinking: Oh, if I had held on to it, I would have so much money now. Once a person starts to have this kind of thinking, then he is not far from losing money. So losing money is not terrible, what is more terrible than losing money is that you miss out!!!

So he took out another 15,000 yuan from his scholarship and internship salary and recharged it into the exchange APP. He was lucky at the time, and the primary market of the cryptocurrency circle was very hot. There was a thing called BSC ecological chain that was in its infancy and had broad prospects. It can be said that people who were able to enter the market at that time would find it difficult to lose money. So he used it to double his principal of 35,000 yuan (15,000 yuan plus 20,000 yuan borrowed from his mother) to a maximum of 400,000 yuan twice within 3 months, but he did not withdraw a penny because he was really making money like crazy at the time. Basically, everything he bought doubled, and he even had the experience of making 100,000 yuan in one night twice. At that time, he felt that he was not far from financial freedom, and the goal he set for himself was to run away when he made enough 1 million yuan.

Later I found out that the higher capital can make you fly, the harder it can make you fall. On May 19, 21, Bitcoin experienced an epic plunge, with the price falling from 60,000 to 29,000. Except for Bitcoin, all derivatives basically fell by more than 50% on the same day, including the currencies in the BSC ecosystem he played. His own money also went from 400,000 to less than 150,000. In fact, withdrawing 150,000 from Alipay at that time was already a huge sum of money for a student. Those who have experienced the bull and bear markets of Bitcoin should understand that this plunge is basically a signal of a bull-bear transition.

But he didn't believe in evil. He firmly believed that the bull market was still there. He watched the market every day with time difference. He often went to bed at 12 noon and got up at 7 pm. Then he bought and sold back and forth between several coins all night. But he later found that the bear market had no bottom at all. Every time it rebounded, it was actually an opportunity for you to leave the market. So his money was getting less and less. When the profit was only 50,000 yuan in the end, his mentality collapsed. He withdrew all the money back to WeChat, and then warned himself that he would never play again, at least he hadn't lost money. But later he found that for a disciple, he would not be willing to lose all his money. He kept thinking at that time: I can make 400,000 yuan from 35,000 yuan. I will summarize my experience and I will definitely make back the last 50,000 yuan in my hand. So he quietly downloaded the APP that he had deleted before and put 50,000 yuan all in. The result should be guessed by everyone, but it was worse. Not only did he lose the last 50,000 yuan in his hand, but he also put in the 20,000 yuan borrowed from his mother.

Since he entered the circle, he has lost about 60,000 yuan in three years. He reached the peak of 400,000 yuan twice, but fell down in the end and lost everything. The only thing to be thankful for is that he has never borrowed money or taken out loans. Most of the capital comes from his own scholarships and accumulated living expenses, but the only thing he feels guilty about is that he also lost the 30,000 yuan borrowed from his mother. He can only pay it back slowly when he earns money from work in the future.

After reading what he said, I couldn't help but sigh: What a pity is that you have mastered all the financial knowledge and human nature, as well as all the safe cash-out methods, but you didn't make any money. If you could make money, would you still not have understood these things!!!

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