Where is the market going? Is there still a cottage season? Will the cottage industry be transformed into A-shares?

As soon as the market fell, various interesting explanations and statements came out. Let's use data and pictures to speak: total3, the total market value of cottages (the total market value of cryptocurrencies after removing BTC/ETH).

You can see several data:


The peak in 2017 was around 300b, and the bottom in 2018 was around 30b;


The peak in 2021 was around 1000b, and the bottom in 2022 was around 300b;


The current price is around 680b, and it started to fall when it hit around 800b (the shoulder of the previous round).

From these data, we can also deduce some interesting data:


From the bottom of 2018 to the peak of 2021, the total market value of the cottage industry has increased by 30 times;


From the top of 2017 to the peak of 2021, the total market value of the cottage industry has increased by more than 3 times;


At the bottom of 2022, it was about 300b, the market value of the previous round of the bull market.

So, where is the market going?


Has the bull market peaked?

I think the probability is not high. The total market value of the cottage industry has not even reached the peak of the previous round of the bull market, even though so many targets have been added.

It is highly likely that it is still in the bull market.


Is there any more cottage season?

Compared with the bottom of the bear market, the total market value of the cottage industry has only doubled. I think it is unlikely that this kind of increase will end.

Assuming that the total market value of this bull market is 2-3 times that of the previous round, there should be 3 to 5 times of space between 2t-3t.

It is highly likely that the main rising wave of the cottage industry has not yet come, don't worry.


Are the coin circles becoming a-shares?

Everyone has opinions about the recent high number of BN coins and high market value. They think that the copycats will not rise because of the blood sucking.

I think it is better to look at the total market value. No matter how many new targets there are, they will eventually be reflected in the total market value.

The total market value is still lying, and the bull market is unlikely to end.

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