You don’t really think Ethereum is no longer viable, do you?

1️⃣In the past ten years, all innovations have come from Ethereum

In the past ten years, blockchain has truly developed and iterated technology. So far, in the ten years of blockchain development, all innovations have come from Ethereum;

Whether it is the ICO in 2017 or Defi+Gamefi in 2021, without Ethereum, there would be nothing. Other public chains have been imitating and have never truly surpassed;

Ethereum has its unique value system and security factor. Only a sufficiently decentralized blockchain with sufficient throughput can build a real bottom layer and trend. You must understand what is: slow is fast;

On this basis, I think Ethereum is still the biggest innovation cornerstone of the entire Crypto track, without a doubt; SOL is not on the same level as it,

What this bull market lacks most is narrative. Once the real narrative is highlighted, it will be quickly reflected in the price. Wait for the wind to come, patience is the best medicine;

2️⃣The core value of blockchain lies in its decentralization;

High performance, throughput and low GAS are all paths, not goals! Without decentralization, these paths are worthless;

With the best decentralized qualities, Ethereum's Rollup layer 2 network technology will bring it a second curve of growth along with the modular blockchain and L2+L1 route;

Money is smart, and the market will eventually choose a "true L2" and secure blockchain. You can take a look at Guru's: What are we talking about when we talk about "decentralization"?

3️⃣ Ethereum's future competitor may be U.S. Treasury bonds, and ETH is a solid quality

Recently, it produced a valuation report on Ethereum, and they believe:

Ethereum will become the dominant open source global settlement network, carrying most of the activities in the business sector that have the greatest potential to benefit from migrating business functions to public blockchains. In a similar portfolio of smart contract platforms, assuming a series of call options, the dominant platform may occupy most of the market share.

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