As for the market of Bitcoin, there is no time to sort out the data, so it is impossible to make a very accurate judgment.

However, I should have said several times this week that the core position of 65,500 has been broken, and the lower level is worrying, because there is really no strong support level below.

There was such a wave in the early morning of this morning. Although the Fibonacci golden support of 61,000 did not play a supporting role, it still stimulated a lot of buying volume, which directly rebounded the price to 64,000.

However, the current situation and sentiment of the crypto market still depend on the face of the US stock market on Monday, so before the opening of the US stock market on Monday, the volatility will not be too large.

I also mentioned this week that the daily Bollinger Bands have shrunk to a certain extent. According to the saying of "carving a boat to seek a sword", there is a change at the daily level, but we think that this daily change is a bit too much. At present, 64,000 is a bit critical. If the daily and weekly lines close below this position, then the market may be ugly in the future. On the contrary, closing above will be more conducive to the subsequent rebound and rise.

The RSI relative strength index has fallen back to around 30. There is already an oversold rebound sentiment on the single index, but the core still depends on the buying volume. Asian and European funds can only guarantee a short-term rebound in Bitcoin. What can really drive the price of Bitcoin back up is still American traders and funds.
