
Today is April 14, 2024, and there are 261 days left until January 1, 2025. I will not touch the contract and only invest in spot trends. This Binance account has a principal of 700,000 yuan, and I will challenge the total income to reach 8 figures this year.

This morning the market again plunged downward to lure short sellers. It is estimated that those who have done contracts have almost been hit hard.

This round of correction made many people feel desperate. My profit dropped from 1.3 million to 3 million now. You can imagine how miserable this correction was for those who chased the rise some time ago.

I still remember clearly that in early March, Bitcoin broke through 70,000 US dollars. The market was so crazy at that time, and many newbies entered the B circle.

Because the price of Bitcoin has risen to 70,000, everyone is greedy, which leads to these people's mysterious self-confidence. I still clearly remember someone telling me: "Why learn anything? Do you still need to learn? You can make money by buying anything in a bull market, it's just a matter of how much you make, there is no need to learn."

But in just one month, these people began to panic, feel confused, angry and curse the dog house.

The bull market is not all smooth sailing. If you don’t understand the market and don’t enter the market at the best time, or if you are doing short-term or medium-term trading and don’t exit the market at the short-term top, you will continue to lose money.

In early March, when Bitcoin was around 70,000, I reminded people many times that Bitcoin would not keep rising. It would fluctuate around 70,000 and wash people off the car. Only when the car is lighter will it start again.

But not many people believe what I say, when the market went up, they thought technology was useless, and they could make money by buying anything. Now that the market has fallen, they still think technology is useless, and they blindly think that there will be another big drop next.

Now the market is in panic and everyone is calling for a big drop. Retail investors always rely on emotions to make transactions. They think they should buy when they see an increase in price and sell when they see a decrease in price.

When others are greedy, I am fearful; when others are fearful, I am greedy.

However, eighty percent of people are constrained by human weaknesses, so although they all know this rule, few can do it.

The reason lies in insufficient knowledge of oneself, insufficient knowledge of the industry, and insufficient knowledge of the market. Because they cannot understand it, they are always dominated by human weaknesses.

In my opinion, the present moment is an opportunity. We should be brave and not retreat.

Many people are worried that Bitcoin has not fallen yet, and believe that if Bitcoin falls, the altcoin will also plummet.

However, this thing cannot be based on feeling. There is no rule that stipulates that Bitcoin must fall next, and there is no rule that if Bitcoin falls next, the altcoin will also fall sharply.

The bull market is a gradually differentiated trend, and the trend will become more disordered as time goes by.

I only believe in the information conveyed to me by the market. What I see at the moment is opportunity, not risk.

I am also looking forward to the currencies that I have invested in to explode again and reach new heights.

The process from the bottom to the top of the bull market, from point A to point B is very tortuous, but ultimately reaching point B is the law of nature.

Therefore, those who are currently short, are still waiting for a big drop, and have already cut their losses and left the market should pay attention to the risks next.

In a bull market, missing out is the biggest risk, and the main players will try every means to get retail investors out of the market.

Many people should have begun to feel what I said before. Only when the market falls can we realize the importance of technology, know how important it is to judge the future development trend, and how important it is to have a professional social driver to lead the way forward.

If you don’t know how to grasp the bull market next, please consult Ye Jincun, who has been deeply involved in the cryptocurrency circle for 8 years.

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