The world is bustling with people, all for profit; the world is moving, all for profit! Hello everyone, I am your friend Lao Cui Talking about Coins, focusing on digital currency market analysis, and strive to deliver the most valuable currency market information to the majority of coin friends. Welcome the attention and likes of the majority of coin friends, and reject any market smoke bombs!

I finally had a day off, but my communication equipment was almost blown up. I took a look and found that the overall situation was close to the liquidation point. I told everyone very clearly that we must look at the price trend of USDT. If it rises, it will definitely fall. The price of USDT has reached around 7.5, which is close to the recent high, and some people are still long. It is also okay to open a long position. Lao Cui also entered a long position the day before yesterday, but there must be a profit target. You did not set a profit target, and took the contract as a spot to follow the trend. A wave of decline will definitely cause your position to be liquidated. In particular, the currency circle is very susceptible to the influence of public opinion. Any disturbance will cause the currency circle to fall. At present, the economic effect is obviously not as great as the influence of other factors.

I believe everyone is very clear about the reasons for the decline in the early hours of yesterday. At least yesterday's decline can be regarded as a proof of Lao Cui's previous conjecture that the currency circle does not have the attribute of safe haven. The impact of the military level is always higher than the economic and financial level, followed by the policy orientation. And all the levels of public opinion basically occur in the early hours of the morning, which is more challenging for everyone's stop-profit and stop-loss points. I will not go into details about the past market, but return to the future trend of the market. The general direction remains unchanged, and the short-term callback attribute will not affect our overall trend. There was indeed a large amount of capital flight last night, most of which came from Europe and the United States, and the funds at the Asian level did not leave the market.

It is also possible that everyone is still sleeping and has not responded to the incident in a timely manner. However, it is already afternoon today, and there is still no sign of capital leaving the market, which proves that the overall big capital is still optimistic about the currency circle. For the currency circle, if it does not have the risk-averse attribute, there will definitely be a possibility of decline. The only bullish trend depends on how the overall capital changes will be adjusted after the listing of Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs in Hong Kong. It is estimated that spot users will not have too many problems if the entry point is around 3500. There is no need to worry too much if the Ethereum entry point is around 3000. Not to mention profit exit, the principal will not suffer losses. As long as spot users have enough positions, they can enter the market in batches, and they can cover their positions at intervals of 300-500 points. Don't let the short-term decline affect the overall layout. Lao Cui currently has 3300 spot and 2980 spot. As long as Lao Cui has not left the market, you can be firm.

I believe that everyone does not want to listen to Lao Cui talking about the long-term, so let's talk about the short-term trend. As for the impact at the military level, as long as the problem is not expanded, the basic market has been covered. For the short-term, the 3000 mark is still very important. If it falls below this position, it will definitely go down again. This is only for the short-term situation. For long users, they can still buy the bottom when a new low is hit. Everyone can also see the recent trend. After the bottom is reached, there will be profit space for the longs. Even if the bottom is reached from the evening of the 12th to the early morning of the 13th, the longs are given at least 100 points of repair space for Ether. This space can be held continuously and can be completed with a profit. The only thing to note is not to hold positions overnight. Even if it is overnight, stop-profit and stop-loss intervention must be achieved.

Today's overall trend is definitely to repair the market. As long as it stabilizes at the 3,000 mark, everyone can hold long orders. Once it falls below, be cautious and bullish. The short-term twists and turns can be said to be very drastic. For contract users, long orders are definitely the main ones, and the profit margin should be controlled at around 50 points. Contract users can only do short-term, and it is best to exit when there is profit. The requirement for spot users is not to leave the market and hold for a long time. Even if the depth of this callback can reach 800, it can return to around 4,000. At present, the only reason that can affect the trend of the currency circle is military. As long as the price of USDT does not fall, the bull market in the currency circle will not come again.

For the entire currency circle, even the entire financial circle, it is currently affected by the military. The impact of the basic economic level can no longer reach the financial level. Especially the recent data released by the old American, CPI and the entire non-agricultural data, have almost no impact on the entire financial circle. So the point that everyone needs to pay attention to is whether the military scale will be expanded. At present, the scale is getting bigger and bigger. These are not within our capabilities. We can speculate and will not expand on them. As long as it can be stable, the currency circle can still continue to move upward. Including the current short-term level, without the impact of the military, it will gradually recover. In the next article, Lao Cui will explain in detail how to safely enter and exit U in the currency circle. If you are interested, you can watch it. This article was written in a hurry. Please read it. I didn’t sleep all day from the 12th to the 13th, and I am also quite sleepy today. Users who have questions can consult Lao Cui. It was written in a hurry, and I hope you will forgive me!

Lao Cui’s message: Investing is like playing chess. Experts can see five, seven or even more than ten steps ahead, while those with lower chess skills can only see two or three steps ahead. Experts consider the overall situation and the general trend, and do not focus on one piece or one place. Their goal is to win the game in the end. While those with lower chess skills will fight for every inch of land, frequently switch between long and short positions, and only try to win in the short term, resulting in frequent setbacks.

This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute buying or selling advice. If you buy or sell based on this material, you will be responsible for the consequences!