🚀 War brings risks to investors in the cryptocurrency market.

It's both a risk and an opportunity. That's why we spend capital to gradually buy. Not missing out on opportunities and having the best position possible. Here, many people are hesitant to buy right now and try to wait for a better position or are already at the peak. Why don't we divide the capital equally to buy?

According to statistics, more than 400,000 accounts were liquidated to 0$ with a total of 3 billion $ liquidated within 24 hours.

Not only us, but many long-time investors have encountered this problem. Strong adjustment rhythm + sudden war news.

So my condolences for burning my account but I don't know what to do now. Just try to plow again, okay? I'm still here to accompany you. I know it's very difficult, but you have to maintain your spirit and strengthen your mentality to rebuild your capital.